Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

15 years since the imperialist intervention in Yugoslavia

A big rally, which took on the form of a militant demonstration against the imperialist interventions, was carried out on 28th March at the central gate of the port of Thessaloniki on the occasion of the 15 years since the intervention of the EU, the USA and the NATO in Yugoslavia and the slaughter of its people. The speaker at the mass rally, which was organized by the party organization of Central Macedonia, was the General Secretary of the CC of the KKE, comrade Dimitris Koutsoumpas.   

The area in front of the central gate of the port of Thessaloniki was flooded with thousands of people. In 1999 this port served as the base of the NATO operations for the butchering of the Yugoslavian people as thousands of soldiers and military equipment were transported to Thessaloniki by ship and then by road to Kossovo.  

Dimitris Koutsoumpas referred in detail to the events in Yugoslavia, the imperialist intervention, the stance of the political parties in that period and underlined that the intervention in Yugoslavia proved that NATO and the EU are imperialist organizations which were constructed in order to serve the interests of monopolies, of capital and definitely not the interests of the working class and the popular strata. Something that also at that time only the KKE highlighted.

He called on the working people to vote in the forthcoming elections judging the stance of each party on the basic strategic issues that determine the course of the country and the life of the working people.

He noted that ND and SYRIZA are competing over who will bring and serve more effectively the capitalist recovery. Both are talking about the safeguarding of the course of Greece in the Eurozone and the EU; the one with the mantle of the President of the EU and the other as a candidate for the presidency of the European Commission.

He underlined that the claims about a government that will serve the people without overthrowing the power of the monopolies constitute a deception.

 The question is to organize in all places our own militant workers’-people’s opposition against the employers and capital, against their governments and their power as a whole, against the EU. This is the only way to halt the anti-people attack and pave the way so that the people take the power into their hands.