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D. Koutsoumpas: The Greek people must respond dynamically, with popular mobilizations

The GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koustoumpas, on Friday 15th of January 2016 met with the Prime Minister, A. Tsipras, at the invitation of the latter in the framework of his meetings with the political parties.
After the meeting, D. Koutsoumpas made the following statement to the media:
«The meeting with the Prime Minister had an institutional character. He informed me about all the issues related to the domestic political situation, the developments in the economy, society and of course issues related to the international developments and our national issues. We highlighted the positions of the KKE in the discussion with the Prime Minister and how we see the situation today.
The Greek people, the popular strata, the youth cannot take anymore. They have paid very dearly during these crisis years and due to the recent SYRIZA-ANEL government. In particular, the measures on the way, aside from those that have already been passed by parliament, but those that are going to be tabled, like the social security legislation and further tax legislation, are hammering the popular strata.
The Greek people must respond dynamically. The KKE addresses this appeal for dynamic popular mobilizations so that all the sectors, all the organizations, the workers from the private and public sector, the unemployed, the pensioners, the urban self-employed, the poor farmers are ready to fight for substantial changes in a positive direction that will be benefit the people's interests."
A journalist asked a question in relation to whether the Prime Minister asked for a minimum level of consensus with the government, in light of the mobilizations concerning the social security system etc. Dimitris Koutsoumpas gave the following answer:
«It is well-known that the KKE does not consent to anti-people policies and we think that the government of Mr Tsipras, the SYRIZA-ANEL government, by implementing the third barbaric memorandum, will certainly be implementing only barbaric anti-people policies in the next period."