Event of KKE in London


A speech was delivered by Kostas Papadakis member of the CC of KKE and of the International Relation Section, in the event of the British Branch of KKE, in London on Sunday, 9th February. KKE had the opportunity via this event to discuss with greek immigrants who live in London as well with english workers who follow the positions and action of KKE. You could find the whole text of the speech below.

Friends, comrades


The KKE is making a significant effort to keep the workers of our country, who for various reasons find themselves abroad, informed of the developments in Greece, and furthermore to inform the communists of other countries about its positions and line, which our party has charted and follows, both regarding developments in Greece, as well as regarding the more general developments, and regarding the issue of the international communist and workers’ movement. Our meeting today is being conducted in this framework.


You are aware that in a few months the EU parliamentary elections will be held in Greece, as well as in the rest of the EU countries. These will be accompanied in our country by the regional and municipal elections, without entirely excluding the possibility of early parliamentary elections.


This is a tough electoral battle, with new characteristics in relation to similar elections in the past. In the sense that in these elections we will have a relatively renovated political “scene” with new political parties in comparison to the previous EU parliamentary elections. Of course this attempt to renovate the political scene has not stopped, there is mobility.


This mobility is characterized by the attempt on one hand to form a new two pole system (ND-Syriza) in the place of the old one (ND-PASOK) which will focus on or even manufacture differences between these two political spaces with the aim of constructing these two poles. So, for example, ND recently characterized SYRIZA as basically being a “terrorist organization”, and on the other hand SYRIZA labeled ND as being a “dictatorial-style party”. In reality, neither party is anything of the sort. In essence, a fierce confrontation is being waged between these two parties over the management formula for the crisis, as servants of various sections of the bourgeois class. SYRIZA is arguing that another form of management, Obama style, at the same time keeping the country in the EMU, EU and the capitalist development path, will constitute a “medicine” for the people’s problems. On the other hand, ND is fostering the fear that if all the anti-people measures do not proceed then the destruction of the country looms before us.


From this standpoint, we can see that the trade in fear and dead-end hopes endures...


On the other hand, other political forces are seeking to make their mark on the political scene, These are political forces that emerged in the recent elections. Nevertheless, the Democratic Left and the Independent Greeks are showing signs of weariness and demobilization, PASOK also, while Golden Dawn maintains its forces, despite its criminal activity and the emergence of evidence that demonstrates its interconnection with the world of organized crime. In particular, Golden Dawn focuses on a general rejection of parties, leaving the bourgeois class, which has the real power, untouched. For this reason it is the devoted defender of their system, undertaking an active role in ensuring flexible labour relations and wretched salaries through its formal and informal slave-trading employment offices, with the aim of striking against the class-oriented trade unions. They act the tough guys against defenseless immigrants, which they target as their enemy. The criminal prosecutions carried out by the bourgeois state can not curb their activity, only the labour and people’s movement can substantially isolate them.


In parallel, both developments and processes are being discussed both in the so-called space of the centre-left and in the so-called “patriotic right”, regarding the emergence of a centre-left “olive” coalition (along the lines of Italy in the past) or a rightwing olive coalition that will absorb the various formations of this political space. Their goal is for their to be a regroupment, via a revamping of old political cadres, either with the same old material or with new so-called uncorrupted material in order to continue the same anti-people mission. If these plans finally succeed. The reshuffle on the political level reflects the confrontation and realignments which are taking place in the correlation of forces amongst sections of the bourgeois class. The criminal prosecutions of once dominant figures of the plutocracy (Kontominas, Philipidis, Lavrentiadis.) are to the benefit of new players who have been strengthened in the crisis… the so-called healthy businessmen as SYRIZA says.


In these political conditions, and while the consequences of the capitalist economic crisis and the anti-people measures of the government-EU-IMF are becoming more and more tangible, unbearable, even more suffocating for the workers, unemployed, the poor farmers, the youth and the women from the popular strata, the following question arises.




The KKE answers this question in the affirmative.


Yes, there can be a solution and this is identified with the road of mobilizing together with the KKE, through decisively strengthening it.


The workers, the youth, the toiling self-employed, the poor farmers, must help so that a dynamic labour-people’s opposition can be immediately revived in order to contribute to the struggle, in order to halt the anti-people offensive, the successive anti-people measures, in order to pave the way for the only path that can ensure the satisfaction of the people’s needs.


And this can begin to happen with the participation in the battle of the EU parliamentary elections and the municipal elections, decisively voting for the KKE and the lists of “People’s Rally”, which are supported nationwide by the party.


The strengthening of the KKE is a guarantee for the working class and people’s interests. The KKE struggles, focused on the major and sharpening problems, for the regroupment of the labour-people’s movement, the People’s Alliance, in order to pave the way for an economy for the benefit of the people, with their own power.


Why do we say this?


Allow me to bring to mind certain issues, which are, in our opinion, particularly revealing. Where did the basic direction of the EU regarding “free movement” lead, i.e. the abolition on the restrictions on the movement of capital and commodities?


The result is the prolonged crisis and the shrinkage in basic sectors of domestic manufacturing, such as textiles and shipbuilding and repair.


A development that was accompanied by:


  • Privatizations, e.g. electricity, telecommunications etc.
  • The abolition of people’s gains
  • Changes in labour relations
  • High unemployment
  • The destruction of the poor farmers
  • The more rapid entrance of European and other monopoly groups from every continent into Greece
  • The export of capital, the transfer of industrial production of Greek businessmen outside of Greece.
  • The further commercialization of education, health, social security.


Which party resisted this choice of the country’s bourgeois class for Greece’s accession to the EEC and then later to the EU?


We should remind ourselves that all the other parties, from ND, until the predecessors of today’s SYRIZA, had supported these choices for Greece to be assimilated into the EEC and the EU, through the Maastricht Treaty.


It has been demonstrated that this support, this vote that was provided by large sections of workers to these parties that supported the EU one-way street was wasted in terms of the people’s interests. These parties, which for years fostered the support for the EU and now that the EU has been exposed in the eyes of the Greek and other peoples, are now criticizing the Troika, Merkel, and appearing as eurosceptics and some of them in favour of the Drachma, the Mark, the Franc, the Lira or say that the EU can be “refounded”, with a new “treaty”, with new “principles”.


The KKE on two occasions, very crucial moments, took the only correct position, with the “NO TO THE ACCESSION” to the EEC, with the “NO TO MAASTRICHT”, which founded the EU, as well as its consistent position today for DISENGAGEMENT.


On this basis our party organized and supported struggles with specific demands, in order to make the implementation of EU decisions difficult. And today it remains the only force with a clear position, which can be condensed into the following:






However, the question arises:


Maybe what our  people are experiencing is due to the memorandum and the Troika? Maybe the “medicine” of the Troika was wrong and there exists another?


To start with, those people who pose this question forget two things:


A)     The capitalist crisis broke out in Greece first and then came the memorandum and B) the Troika has the EU as one of its component elements.


The memorandum, then, is nothing other than the specialization of the general political line of the EU in the conditions of crisis in Greece, consequently the opposition to the memorandum must be opposition to the EU. Whoever promises liberation from the memoranda without disengagement from the EU is simply mocking the people. Besides, the tearing up and abolition of the memorandum for SYRIZA has been transformed into a “revision”, as it stated only yesterday. Apart from the fact that what they don’t say is that the majority of the memorandum has already been implemented and that the issue is what will SYRIZA do if it becomes the government with the laws that have already been passed and are in force and of course it has given assurances to the plutocracy that the “state which we will receive will have a continuity”, therefore the laws will not be touched and what is done is done.


However, the problems today in the member-sates of the EU , in the EU as a whole, are not general problems of Europe as a continent, but problems of capitalist Europe, of the EU as an imperialist alliance.


The EU is a hell for all its peoples! The truth is that the anti-people measures concern the working class and popular strata of all the countries, regardless of memoranda and debts. Even more so as the permanent memorandum of the independent sanctions is a fact in every EU country due to the permanent supervision that will be in force at an EU level from 2014.


Of course, measures were taken in other countries in the 1990s and in the 2000s, in some all together as a “shock”, like Greece in the conditions of the crisis, in others gradually as in Germany. In Holland, with the triple A rating, flexible labour with no contracts  is commonplace, in Germany 7.5 million people live with 400 euros a month from minijobs, jobs that are paid one euro per hour. While in the Scandinavian countries, 20-40% of the workers now work in the large factories via outsourced slave-trading employment offices


However there are differences from country to country and the pace is different. This is the case not because in Greece a badly chosen policy was implemented, a “wrong medicine”, or due to “incorrect multipliers”, or “treacherous politicians”, but because it had a weaker starting point w in the Eurozone.


For example, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a general policy which has as its aim the concentration of the agricultural production in fewer hands. However, it was more painful in countries which have numerous small producers.


We see that the trend for the income of the working class and people and the social services to shrink is a general trend for all the peoples of the EU.


In addition, the decay of the EU as an imperialist formation is also apparent from the fact that scandals and corruption are appearing and multiplying in all the member states.


The EU, with most of its member state being members of NATO as well, is organizing the war with financial, political and military means. It conducted a war on European territory, participates in the plans to intervene in Asia, Africa, today in the central African Republic, it accompanies the USA in its anti-communism and in dealing with the movement using terror legislation. The Greek government is playing the role of the henchman, providing the headquarters in Larissa.


In addition, the EU one way street does not provide any guarantee for territorial sovereignty. Cyprus entered the EU- with the decision of the Cypriot communists as well- with the main aim of solving the Cyprus Problem. The EU, on the contrary, supported the “Annan Plan”, which did not ensure either a just or viable solution to the Cyprus Problem and continues to support the policy which leads to partition, if we take into account the recent developments and the draft plan that serves this goal.


Of course, certain political forces, or ordinary people, as they concede that our assessments are correct on these things, wonder whether maybe …


The EU can be transformed? Can it be come people-friendly?


However, now several years have passed since the establishment of this union and there is enough experience, so that we are not trapped in this false dilemma.


Because the basic issue is for whose interests was this inter-state union created. It was created to help the capitalists exploit the workers more effectively in the member-states. It was created to provide them with the ability to buttress their power, having the support of the bourgeois classes of other countries from the union as well. It was created to help the European monopolies in the fierce confrontation with the monopolies of other countries and regional unions. The EU does not “violate its founding principles and goals”, as certain politicians claims. From 1957 until today, and as long as the EU exists, whether it is split into a union of the south or of the north, whether it becomes a federation, or a confederation, it will be an imperialist union, aimed against the peoples and youth.


It does not change, either with change of the head of the Commission, or with reform policies, because the exploitation of man by man is contained in its DNA, as well as class exploitation and the basic contradiction of capitalist society. The candidacy of Tsipras for the presidency of the Commission, in essence reveals SYRIZA’s availability to play a role of primary responsibility in order to promote the anti-people political line.


Nevertheless, they ask us, if a “front of the South” is created, would this not be better for our people?


The other parties, whatever differences they may have among them, are deceiving the people with the position that the EU can be transformed into a union of the peoples.


SYRIZA, due to its position as the official opposition, has a great share of responsibility for this conscious deception.


All the parties of the so-called “anti-memorandum arc”, of “anti-Merkelism”, of the  “anti-neoliberal” and “anti-banking” version of the EU and Eurozone, as they say, the parties that only criticize Germany, bear responsibilities.


Why? Because they conceal their support in essence for the EU of capital, of the monopolies. They do not touch on the real content of the EU but make superficial criticisms.


The international allies and support that are invoked, such as the governments of the USA, France, Italy, the Mediterranean South, are enemies of the people, they steamroller the people’s rights in their countries, just as the German government does.


Let us bear in mind the “new wind” which blew from France. “Victory of the left” was the headline in Avgi, the newspaper of SYRIZA, on the election of Hollande. SYRIZA and its leadership at that time fostered very many illusions that the EU was starting to change. Today we know how this developed…


Of course, we know the fears that our opponents are spreading, saying that disengagement will “deprive us of allies”, and that will “remain on our own!”


However, the reality is that inside the European Union, inside the “lions’ den”, each people are on their own. The Greek people are alone, faced with the beasts that are tearing them apart. The peoples will be truly unified in the struggle for disengagement, they will not be alone, the Greek people and their children will have allies.


Of course in recent years, due to the economic crisis, due to the realignments in the position of capitalist states in the international competition, unevenness was reinforced inside the EU, there was even the emergence of bourgeois forces that question its ability to be cohesive.


We stress to the people:




We call on the workers not to fall into the trap of the allegedly “revolutionary”, “subversive”, “left” parties and groups that promise better days, with a departure from the Eurozone, with a change of currency or even with a departure from the EU, while the monopoly groups and the plutocracy  remain in power.


This line leads the movement and people to new impasses and in no instance leads to a victorious prospect, because the economy will continue to operate with the profit motive, competition, the money markets, production will continue to be concentrated in fewer hands.


New sacrifices will be demanded of the people, in order to safeguard the competitiveness of the monopolies, in order to achieve the capitalist recovery. The reality of the deterioration of the lives of broad popular strata outside the Eurozone and the EU, in European states, in the USA, Brazil, Argentina highlights this undeniable truth. Britain which is outside the euro is a characteristic example with the cuts, the persecution of immigrants and its leading position vis-a-vis the capitalist restructurings. Maybe the supporters of a departure from the Eurozone and the euro prefer the Serbian Dinar with 30% unemployment? Or maybe the currency of Ukraine, the Grivna, protected the people of the country so that millions of them did not have to immigrate or find themselves living in poverty between the Scylla and Charybdis of the EU-Russia.


Positions like those above are promoted by certain former components and today “currents’ of SYRIZA, the Plan B of Alavanos, ANTARSYA, as well as by bourgeois political forces in other EU countries. These positions are neither left, progressive, nor radical, are positions that beautify capitalism in their own way, that say that there is room for prosperity in its framework. They talk of a rung on the ladder, pretending that they do not see that such a rung has not succeeded in any country. The countless coups bear witness to this, as well as assimilation and manipulation through participation in governments for the management of the monopolies. This is a rotten rung on the ladder that leads to the fall and retreat of the movement and the class struggle for many years, as has been demonstrated in France, Italy, Chile etc.


It is an illusion today after so much experience to think that the “departure from the euro”, or “disengagement on its own”,  can become a rung on the ladder for a radical change in the situation, without other preconditions, without a complete programme and a strategy of conflict, without the most important thing: the struggle for the instruments of development, of the economy, to pass into the hands of the working class, the people, with their own power.


Is the dilemma, either you are “pro-European or anti-European (eurosceptic)” also diversionary?


ND and PASOK seek to intimidate the peoples regarding an alleged anti-European vote, while SYRIZA is talking about a referendum which is also misleading.


In reality, the position in favour of Greece’s participation in the EU is ANTI-EUROPEAN, BECASE IT COMES INTO CONFLICT WITH THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLES OF EUROPE.


At the same time, this “euroscepticism” and reactionary views that serve the nationalism of the bourgeois class, the search for a realignment of its allies or express utopian positions that the EU can be restructured with another type of treaty, which will safeguard the redistribution in favour of the weaker economies and the popular forces.


There were never and there can not exist equal relations amongst the member-states of the EU, as the solidarity amongst the monopolies is only related to their agreement to attack the peoples economically and socially.


The KKE in a timely fashion revealed that there can be no convergence for the peoples through interventions from above, but only through the abolition of the EU for all the peoples via their own struggle.


Uneven development prevails inside the EU, as well as the competition and unequal relations between states.


In the years to follow the difficulties of the capitalist states of Europe, that participate in the EU, will become more apparent in terms of dealing with the crisis, the anemic recovery, the uneven relations and competition amongst each other.


Now the peoples must intervene, so as not to allow alternative plans that will give breathing space and time for the EU to continue its furious offensive against the working class and the workers. The peoples must not be entangled in rivalries, which can bring old and new local wars closer, either on the terrain of Europe or in the wider region.




Dear friends and comrades,

Over these years the KKE has been consistently and ceaselessly acting with other Communist and Workers’ Parties, with forces that oppose the EU and the offensive of capital in Europe.

On 1st October 2013 the “Initiative of Communist and Workers’ Parties in order to study and elaborate European issues and coordinate their activity” was founded in Brussels with the efforts of the KKE. This Initiative constitutes a particularly significant step which serves concrete needs.

It is a move of Communist and Workers’ Parties of the European countries  that support the principles of scientific socialism and are united by the vision of a society without the exploitation of man by man, without poverty, social injustice and imperialist wars.

The goal of the “Initiative” is to contribute to the research and study of issues concerning Europe, particularly concerning the EU, the political line which is drawn up in its framework and has an impact on the lives of the workers, as well as to assist the elaboration of joint positions of the parties and the coordination of their solidarity and their other activities.

The Initiative has a specific direction from the beginning. Our agreement on the founding declaration has a great significance because it allows us to begin with a solid basis and develop this communist initiative. The leading forces of the ELP have made their own choices, they support the EU and its basic strategic positions.

The ELP both in its congress positions as well as in other positions is reproducing older opportunist social democratic illusions and presents itself as a force which is capable of managing the capitalist system and thus can be utilized by the bourgeois class. In this framework it is utilizing anticommunism, amongst other things, as recently occurred with the anticommunist event which was organized in the European Parliament by a MEP of “DIE LINKE”.  

The Initiative has not invited any leading forces of the ELP, the mutated Communist Parties such as the French Communist Party and the Communist Party of Spain. These parties split the communist movement without giving any explanation , in fact they abandoned the international communist movement in 2004 and along with opportunist parties like SYRIZA and die Linke they created a force that opposes the communist movement, an apparatus for the mutation of the Communist Parties. The renouncement of the hammer and sickle, in the following years, confirms this course of mutation. The crisis of the international communist movement is so serious that in 2004 the splitters-leading forces of ELP, instead of apologizing, demanded an explanation from the parties that remained loyal to Marxism-Leninism and the struggle for socialism for not joining the ELP. The foundation of the “Initiative” after a decade shows how the Communist and Workers’ Parties in Europe can develop their elaboration and their activity against the EU of capital with a structured form of cooperation, revealing the dangerous role of opportunism and promoting the prospect of rupture with the monopolies and capitalism, a prospect that includes the disengagement from the EU and the socialist choice.

In view of this situation, the establishment of the “Initiative” constitutes a significant support and foundation for the workers’ and people’s struggle, for the strengthening of the intervention and the discrete activity of the Communist and Workers’ Parties in Europe. This initiative serves the unity of the communist movement in Europe and the strengthening of the struggle of the communist parties for the interests of the working class, the popular strata, the youth.

The “Initiative” serves the concentration of forces and the planned activity against the EU, the union of capital. The prospect and the aim of the struggle of the “Initiative” is the right of every people to choose its own sovereign path of development, including the right to disengage from the multi-level dependencies on the EU and NATO, as well as the right to choose socialism.

The first meeting of the Secretariat of the Initiative was recently held in Brussels. It approved the Declaration for the EU parliamentary elections (it is published in Rizospastis last Sunday). This declaration has been signed by 29 Communist and Workers’ Parties and is open to be signed by other communist and workers’ parties of Europe which at the moment do not participate in the “Initiative”.  Furthermore, the meeting approved a series of statements on current political issues, such as the developments in the Ukraine.

We believe that the peoples of Europe can jointly deliver a blow to the parties that serve the EU one way street and the compromise with the EU.




 Only in this way can a new wind of optimism, the revitalization of the revolutionary movement come in order to emancipate the people’s movements and to pave the way for radical social and political changes.


The elections are a referendum for the formation of a “left” government


Of course, dear comrades, SYRIZA, trying to overcome all our arguments about the EU, because it sees that the EU is losing ground and creating revulsion and discontent in wider sections of the workers, has changed its tune in relation to the past and is seeking to lend the EU parliamentary elections and the regional elections the character, as they say, of a “referendum on the policies and parties that led the country to the current situation”, “legitimization or not of the political line that the government is implementing.”


SYRIZA is declaring its devotion to the EU, which with its “economic governance” established the “permanent memorandum” for the peoples. So the referendum that it asks for is aimed for the people to support it so that it can guarantee the EU one-way street and the implementation of the EU’s permanent memorandum. So that it can better manage the poverty and destitution. It is trying to trick the workers that its proposal will bring prosperity for the people.


The workers must go to the ballot box in May with other criteria, as these “referenda” have nothing to do with their interests…


We must go with the criteria of punishing all those who with lies, intimidation and illusions over the previous years, and even now, try to persuade us that there can be a pro-people development for the Greek and other peoples of Europe inside the capitalist development path and the EU.


We must have as our criterion the formation of a strong working class-people’s opposition, the need to regroup the labour-people’s movement, the People’s Alliance for the struggle against the anti-people political line, the EU and the parties of the EU one-way street.


With the criterion of strengthening the struggle for a Greece with people’s prosperity, with the utilization of all the country’s productive potential, with solidarity and cooperation with all the peoples, in opposition to the chains of the European Union, capitalist exploitation and injustice.


With the criterion of paving the way for the socialization of the monopoles, the unilateral cancellation of the debt, rejecting false dilemmas and false referenda, contributing to a change in the correlation of forces in favour of the people, through the strengthening of the KKE.


They ask us: What is the direct benefit that voting for the KKE brings? As the KKE has ruled out participating in a government of the “left”.


We answer: the KKE, despite the negative correlation of forces, is struggling with faith in the strength of the working class, for the regroupment of the labour movement. It devotes all its forces to the struggle for the organization of the workers’-people’s fight in the factories, in the businesses, in the schools, in the Technical Institutes,  in the universities, in the vocational training centres, in the neighbourhoods, in the trade unions. It is playing a leading role in the everyday struggles, in opposition to government and employer led trade unionism, both old and new, which is the lackey of the EU and the big employers.


It struggle concerning every popular problem, for the increases in salaries and pensions, Collective Labour Agreements, working class-people’s rights. It plays the leading role in the barricades of the farmers, in the activity against the new monstrosity of a law regarding healthcare.


The KKE conducts battles in the Parliament and in the EU Parliament. It has tabled important proposals for laws in order to relieve the popular households, against house seizures, the cutting off of electricity, the heavy taxes, it is opposed to the anti-people measures, it informs the workers, it is their voice.


Because its central slogan-message and practical activity is that no one must be on his own in the crisis, the people’s solidarity for their homes, electricity, food, education must be strengthened.


The KKE devotes its forces to the strengthening of the People’s Alliance, which today, in its first steps, is expressed by the common struggle of PAME, of PASY, of PASEVE, of MAS, of OGE, which are making inroads by intervening regarding every popular problem.


The vote of the Greek people for the KKE...


...Is at the same time both a vote of resistance and a vote with prospects. It can lend impetus and strength to the European movement of workers as well. It is a vote that denounces the anti-communist persecution, the fomenting of existing and non-existent minority issues in the member states, it is a vote against Nazism-fascism, against racism and nationalism, against the concentration camps filled with foreign workers.


The way out is not to be found in “Left governments” on the terrain of capitalism. As the experience from the participation of communist parties in governments of EU member states shows (and the example of Cyprus, with the participation of AKEL in the government). This experience is in our assessment characteristic of the utopian view that the crisis can be halted or that there can be a pro-people management in the framework of capitalism. The same is true of Brazil where the CP of Brazil participates in the government and manages capitalism with the people protesting in the streets.


There is no room for the rationale of the “lesser evil” which some people consider a possible SYRIZA government to be. Whatever evil, more or lesser, is now unbearable for the impoverished and deprived of rights lives of the workers. Only time and more ground will be lost in this way. But all those who say that they will vote for SYRIZA to see what will happen should think about what was the benefit of the 1,700,000 votes, 27%, that SYRIZA received and turned it into the official opposition. Where are these 1,700,000 people in this period in Greece? Not only have the struggles not taken a step forwards but on the contrary they have receded and retreated. In contrast the 279,000 who held out, endured and said no to this, and said that the KKE is correct and has warned us of what is on the way, have been struggling in the movement as much as they can. In conclusion, the people were the losers from the loss of votes and the reduction of strength of the KKE’s forces. This is why we need a strong KKE everywhere, in the movement and at the ballot box.


Because the KKE in a timely fashion warned about and predicted the storm of the EU and the anti-people political line. Yes the KKE, which some people said was fixated and obsolete. They should explain to us how something obsolete can see so far ahead, that it can accurately predict and does not merely predict but fights against the opponent and calls the people to join this struggle. And of course those who have disagreements with the KKKE can vote for it and maintain their reservations, but they must look at the main thing, that tomorrow without a strong KKE the things will be more difficult for the working class-people’s struggle.


This is the reason why the KKE must be strong everywhere and above all the way out is to be found in the socialization of the mineral wealth, energy, telecommunications, transport, retail, land, capitalist agricultural and livestock businesses, the natural resources. They must all become the property of the people.


Agricultural producer cooperatives must be organized next to the socialized sector of the economy.


The workers'-people's power with these instruments can centrally plan the economy, lend strength to the development of the sectors and the regions, so that agricultural and industrial production, social services develop in a proportional way with the satisfaction of the people's needs at the widest possible level as the criterion.

This centrally planned economy, on the basis of social ownership of the means of production, is the only one that can provide a final solution to the question of unemployment.

Business activity in health, welfare, education, culture, sports, must be abolished. Exclusively public free upgraded modern social services must be developed.

Maternity, children, the old people, must be protected. The preconditions for free time must be formed for all the workers, especially for women, in order to facilitate their participation in the organs of working class power, from the bottom up.


The labour-people's movement, struggling in an anticapitalist-antimonopoly direction in every country, provides its own contribution to the weakening and overthrow of the imperialist structure called the EU. The disengagement with people's power will be a contribution to the internationalist struggle of the peoples, it will accelerate the emergence of conditions for the conquest of workers'-people's power in other countries as well. In this manner, the way will be paved for the Europe of equal cooperation, socialism.

The disengagement which is advanced by the KKE is integrated into another development path in favour of the people, on the path of unifying Europe in favour of the peoples. The path of the KKE is the internationalist path of the peoples.