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Everyone must take part in the 2-day general strike
The government of “leftwing” SYRIZA and “patriotic” ANEL wishes to pass the guillotine-law on social security and taxation (with more tax burdens for the popular strata) this weekend, 7-8 May, in order to surprise the workers and avoid the people’s outrage.
The response of the labour unions was immediate. They decided on a 2-day general strike for Friday 6th of May and Saturday 7th of May after emergency meetings of GSEE (Confederation of workers in the private sector) and ADEDY (confederation of workers in the public sector).
The All-workers Militant Front (PAME) noted that “The hour of battle has arrived. Everyone must take to the streets. Everyone must participate in the strike rallies”. PAME is organizing mass mobilizations on Friday 6/5 in dozens of cities, as well as a major demonstration on Saturday 7/5, while on Sunday 8/5 the May 1st demonstrations will be held all over the country (which had been moved due to Greek Orthodox Easter) and will take on a militant character against the SYRIZA-ANEL government, the EU, the IMF, the monopolies and capitalism.