A farmers' demonstration was held in Athens, on February the 14th, organized by the Nationwide Committee of the Roadblocks against the policies of the SYRIZA-ANEL government and the EU, which is leading to the impoverishment of the small and medium farmers and to them being driven off the land, to the benefit of the monopolies and the big farmers.
The farmers have being carrying out mobilizations for 3 weeks now, closing the roads at dozens of points around the entire country.
Farmers from 11 Federations, 35 contingents from the roadblocks and 120 local associations from all over the country took part in the mobilization.
Trade unions from the public and private sector, mass organizations, people's committees, self-employed associations, the Federation of Greek Women, the Students' Struggle Front, student unions demonstrated their support for the farmers. In this way, they practically expressed the slogan that was heard dozens of times at the demonstration: "Workers-farmers, one voice and one fist."
A large delegation of the CC of the KKE participated in the mobilization, headed by the GS of the CC, Dimitris Koutsoumpas, who mentioned the following in his statement to the journalists:

"The farmers here today in Athens are sending a resounding message that denounces these governmental policies, the EU as a whole, a message against all those who are driving them from their livelihoods, from their land. They are escalating their struggle in alliance with and in unity with the other popular strata, with the working class and the urban self-employed. Victory will belong to them. United we can all together be victorious."


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