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Hands off the communists of Ukraine!

The KKE and KNE on 7th of March 2014 carried out a mass demonstration with placards outside the Ukrainian embassy in Athens, against the plans to ban the CP and the communist ideology in Ukraine.
A delegation of the KKE headed by Kostas Papadakis, member of the Secretariat and International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE, and Giorgos Toussas, member of the CC and MEP of the KKE, presented the following protest statement of the KKE to the representatives of the embassy:
“To the embassy of Ukraine in Athens
We follow with great indignation the developments that are taking place in Ukraine, where we see reactionary political forces, ideological descendants of Nazi, emerging to the political “surface” and ascending to the government with the assistance of the EU and the USA.
These forces have already proceeded to:
- Destroy and vandalize the monuments of Lenin and other soviet and antifascist monuments;
- Destroy the offices of the Communist Party of Ukraine in various regions of the country;
- To publicly attack communists;
- To adopt laws that are aimed against the Russian-speaking population and other minorities in the Ukraine;
- To abolish the law that prohibits fascist propaganda;
- To engineer the banning of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the communist ideology in the Ukraine tabling respective draft laws in parliament;
The Communist Party of Greece condemns the above-mentioned actions that are aimed against the political democratic rights and demands the immediate cessation of any attempt to ban the Communist Party and the communist ideology in Ukraine.
Hands off the communists of Ukraine!
Anticommunism will not succeed!”