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History is written with the people at the forefront and a strong KKE! We honour our history, we defend the natural wealth of the country

The 32nd Anti-imperialist Camp of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) took place in Nestorio, Kastoria, on 13–16 July, with the participation of thousands of young people from all over the country. The area where the camp was held was the centre of the three-year epic of the Democratic Army of Greece (DSE, 1946–1949), led by the KKE. Through the activities of the camp, the young people learned about heroic aspects of this historical period and some of the greatest and most glorious chapters of the Democratic Army of Greece. The content of the camp was combined with the highlighting of the demands for the protection of this area of outstanding beauty and natural wealth from the ‘green’ monopolies that threaten to destroy it with their investments.
The programme of the Anti-Imperialist Camp included a number of political, cultural and sporting events, as well as concerts and feasts. For another year, the participation of young children in the specially organized camp of the children’s magazine “Red hot-air balloon”, which had its own special programme, was unique.
The highlight of the 32nd Anti-Imperialist Camp was the speech of the GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, which took place in the area that used to be the hospital of the DSE.
“We are once again here, on Gramos Mountain, on these peaks that are soaked with the blood and hopes of communists, of thousands of fighters of our people. Those who, regardless of sacrifices, took on superior forces, i.e. the Greek ruling bourgeoisie and its imperialist allies, for better days to come for our country. We will be returning here again and again, to be inspired, to draw strength and valuable lessons. To soak these lands with our own hopes too, so that they will never be forgotten; until the vision for which so many of our comrades fought and sacrificed, becomes a reality”, noted among other things the GS of the CC of the KKE.
“Behind the government’s fine words, lies the harsh reality. All that the KKE had warned about lie ahead of us today.
- The prerequisites of the Recovery Fund and the much-needed investment grade for capital, which the government will proceed apace.
- The country’s deeper involvement in the massacre in Ukraine and NATO plans in the region, whose level of risk has increased for the people following the NATO summit in Lithuania.
- The settlements in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean under the umbrella of the USA and NATO, which have already been put on the table, as was also evident at the NATO Summit.
- The so-called reforms, that is, the deep, necessary changes demanded by the business groups, which are spreading to all critical areas of the people’s lives.
A typical example is education, where the government is rapidly advancing a long-standing objective of capital. i.e. the revision of Article 16 of the Constitution to allow the establishment of private universities, while looking for other ways to achieve the same objective until the revision process is completed”, stressed D. Koutsoumbas.
“After all, our history, which we honour with today’s event, teaches us that the negative correlation of forces will not remain as such forever. Let us therefore wage the struggles that lie ahead of us in a more vigorous manner. For the even greater strengthening of the ‘People’s Rallying’, the list supported by the KKE in the municipal and regional elections in October. For the election of more communists, militant mayors, municipal and regional councillors, who will oppose the policy of capital and stand by the people of their city, their region, as has been done in recent years in Patras, with Kostas Peletidis. Every day, every hour, the KKE will be there. It will be present in the struggles of the workers and the youth, in the workplaces, schools and universities. Because history is written with a strong KKE and the people at the forefront!”, concluded the GS of the CC of the KKE.