In relation to the question about the persecution of militants who are against the privatization of land in Kazakhstan

A question to the EU Commission was tabled by the Delegation of the KKE to the European Commission in relation to the persecution of militants who are against the privatization of land in Kazakhstan.

The Press Statement of the KKE Delegation to the European Parliament, states the following:

Specifically, since the 18th of May, cadres of the movement against the land reform, Max Bokayev and Talgat Ayan, are being held in prison. On this day, another 50 activists were arrested by the authorities and were held for 15 days in various regions of the country, with the aim of preventing the organization of protests rallies against the auctioning of two million three hundred thousand hectares of land to foreign companies. However, the National Security Committee criminally indicted Max Bokayev and Talgat Ayan, on charges that they were preparing "mass unrest" and acts with aim of overthrowing the existing government.

The security services of Kazakhstan submitted as proof of their "guilt" an application they made to hold a peaceful protest scheduled for the 21st of May, witness statements of other persons, and also the fact that a protest rally was held on the 24th of April, in the city of Atyrau, with the participation of thousands of people. The investigation did not present any other evidence in relation to the preparation of a "coup" and from the time of their arrest, the duration of the interrogations was even further extended.

The authorities in the city of Atyrau are preparing a major political trial for Max Bokayev and Talgat Ayan, with the aim of intimidating trade unionists and oil workers in Western Kazakhstan, who took active part in the protests against the land reform. The government press is claiming that they are all "terrorists", and there is the danger that, if new protests are held, weapons will be used against the demonstrators, as happened 5 years ago when the authorities opened fire on the striking oil workers in the city of Zhanaozen, who were demonstrating peacefully. All those who have been arrested are being threatened with long sentences and while Max Bokayev has already come down with a severe case of Hepatitis C in prison, he is not receiving adequate treatment-something that is putting his life at risk.

The KKE Delegation to the European Parliament brought the matter to the European Parliament and demands that the EU Commission takes a position on the these developments in Kazakhstan, and states what moves it intends to carry out for the release of Max Bokayev and Talgat Ayan, who are being persecuted simply for using the right to hold peaceful protests, with the aim of preventing the privatization of the natural resources that should belong to the people.


The KKE's question is as follows:

In Kazakhstan, since the 18th of May, cadres of the movement against the land reform, Max Bokayev and Talgat Ayan, are being held in prison.

However, the security authorities criminally indicted them, on charges that they were preparing "mass unrest" and acts with aim of overthrowing the existing government. They submitted as proof of their "guilt" an application to organize a peaceful protest.

The authorities are preparing a major political trial for Max Bokayev and Talgat Ayan, with the aim of intimidating trade unionists and oil workers in Western Kazakhstan, who took active part in the protests against the land reform.

All those who have been arrested are being threatened with long sentences and while Max Bokayev has already come down with a severe case of Hepatitis C in prison, he is not receiving adequate treatment-something that is putting his life at risk.

What position does the EU Commission take on these developments in Kazakhstan?  What moves does it intend to carry out for the release of Max Bokayev and Talgat Ayan, who are being persecuted simply for using the right to hold peaceful protests, with the aim of preventing the privatization of the natural resources that should belong to the people?


10-10-2016 KKE Delegation to the European Parliament