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The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

Joint Statement of Communist and Workers’ Parties on the recent developments in Ukraine (Proposed by the KKE and DKP)

Statement on the reactionary developments in Ukraine

The recent dramatic developments in Ukraine do not constitute the “victory of democracy” by the alleged “revolutionaries”, as it is being described by the mass media of the USA and the EU, but is a dangerous development, above all for the people of Ukraine themselves.

Reactionary political forces, ideological descendents of the Nazis, have risen to the political “surface” with the assistance of the EU and the USA. These are forces which apart from destroying the offices of their opponents, are planning political persecutions, and the banning of parties, above all against the communists, and even racist legislation at the expense of the Russian-speaking population, like what has been in force for the last 20 years in the countries of the “European” Baltic,  with the blatant political support of the EU. 

The communist and workers’ parties that sign this Joint Statement: 

  • Express our solidarity and support with the communists of Ukraine, above all with those who in many instances went on to the streets in order to defend the monuments of Lenin and the other Soviet and ant-fascist monuments, which found themselves “targeted” by the ideological “cleansing” of history being attempted by the nationalist-fascist armed groups
  • Denounce the USA and the EU regarding their blatant involvement in the internal affairs of Ukraine, regarding the direct support they provided and are providing to the armed fascist groups, supporting historical revanchism against the outcome of the 2nd World War, transforming anti-communism into their official policy, as well as beautifying the fascist groups, their criminal ideology and activity, promoting the division of the people of Ukraine with planned persecutions at the expense of the Russian-speaking of Ukraine.
  • Highlight that the positions of the opportunist forces are dangerous, which spread illusions that there could exist another “better EU’, “another better association agreement of the EU with Ukraine”. The EU, like every capitalist inter-state union, is a predatory alliance which has a deeply reactionary character can not become pro-people, and acts and will continue to act against the workers’ people’s rights and the peoples.
  • Note that the developments in Ukraine are connected to the intervention of the EU and the USA, are the results of the fierce competition of these powers with Russia for the control of markets, raw material and the country’s transport networks. However the people of Ukraine, as all the other peoples of Europe have no interests in siding with the one or the other imperialist, or the one or the other predatory alliance.

The interests of the working class and popular strata of Ukraine mean that they must prevent themselves from being “trapped” in nationalist, divisive dilemmas, on the basis of ethnic, linguistic, religious particularities and to prioritize their common class interests, to chart their path of class struggle, for their rights and socialism. Socialism remains as timely and necessary as ever. This is the perspective against every capitalist inter-state union, in order to pave the way for an economy and society that will not operate on the basis of profit, but on the basis of the needs of the workers.

  1. Communist Party of Albania
  2. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
  3. Party of Labour of Austria
  4. Democratic Progressive Tribune, Bahrain
  5. Workers’ Party of Bangladesh
  6. Brazilian Communist Party
  7. Union of Communists in Bulgaria
  8. Communist Party of Bulgaria
  9. Party of Bulgarian Communists
  10. Communist Party of Canada
  11. Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia
  12. Communist Party in Denmark
  13. Communist Party of Denmark
  14. Danish Communist Party
  15. Communist Workers Party- for Peace and Socialism, Finland
  16. Pole of Communist Revival in France
  17. Union of Revolutionary Communists of France
  18. German Communist Party
  19. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  20. Communist Party of Greece
  21. Communist Party of Ireland
  22. Workers Party of Ireland
  23. Communist Party of Italy
  24. Jordanian Communist Party
  25. Communist Party of Malta
  26. Communist Party of Mexico
  27. Popular Socialist Party - National Political Association, Mexico
  28. People’s Resistance Moldova
  29. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
  30. Communist Party of Norway
  31. Communist Party of Pakistan
  32. Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930)
  33. Communist Party of Poland
  34. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  35. Communist Workers’ Party of Russia
  36. Communists of Serbia
  37. Communist Party of Slovakia
  38. Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  39. Communist Party of Sri Lanka
  40. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  41. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  42. Sudanese Communist Party
  43. Communist Party of Sweden
  44. Communist Party, Sweden
  45. Syrian Communist Party
  46. Communist Party of Turkey
  47. Union of Communists of Ukraine
  48. Communist Party of Venezuela