Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

Not a step back! LARCO must stay open and all jobs must be safeguarded

The workers and trade unions of LARCO, supported byhundreds of trade unions andmass organizations andthousands of workers and youth from Attica, Boeotia, Evia etc., rejected the despicable amendment, with which the government is trying to close down the company and lay off thousands of workerswith a mass and long-lasting rallyinSyntagma square. They demanded that LARCO should remain open and that all jobs should be safeguarded.

Tirelessly, from 11 a.m. until midnight, when the government’s unacceptable amendment was passed in Parliament, thousands of demonstrators wrote another page in the historic struggle that has been going on for 4 years, and denounced this crime.

“We have shown them that we can resist. Whatever they vote in parliament, we will overturn it”, said Panagiotis Politis, president of the LARCO Workers’ Union in Larymna, speaking at the end of the hour-long demonstration. “We are preparing for a conflict”, he said, reiterating that the workers will not leave their jobs and homes.

The GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, who spokeon the issuein Parliament, stated, among other things:

“The workers know that they are not alone, they are waging their struggle together with thousands of other workers, trade unions and mass organizations of the popular movement that have been by their side for years, in the factory and other workplaces, in the mines operating in five counties.

Your aim is to close down LARCO, sack the workers, evict them from their homes and to hand it over ‘clean’, as you call it, to the new investor.

You will fail, you will not get away with it. Because now you are not facing the convenient opposition of SYRIZA, PASOK or Greek Solution, but determined workers, a wider local society, other trade unions and the KKE. The workers are 100% right in their struggle and the KKE's promise is clear: it will stand by their side till the end.”



