Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

Protest of the KKE at the Ukrainian Embassy. Regarding the unacceptable targeting of cadres of the party by the Ukrainian government

A delegation of the KKE, headed by an MEP of the party, Kostas Papadakis, carried out a protest at the Ukrainian embassy and met with the Ukrainian Ambassador in Athens, Volodymyr Shkurov, in order to denounce the unacceptable decision of the Ukrainian government to target the following cadres of the KKE: Sotiris Zaraianopoulos, MEP of the party, Giorgos Lamproulis, MP of the KKE and Giorgos Magganas, cadre of the party. The President of Ukraine, Poroshenko, recently issued a list of sanctions against 105 legal entities and 388 individuals for allegedly carrying out acts against Ukraine. The cadres of the KKE are included in this list.

The delegation of the KKE demanded the immediate annulment of the decision of the President of Ukraine and stressed that the accusations of the Ukrainian authorities against the cadres of the party are entirely baseless and have no relationship with reality. It underlined that these unacceptable accusations are being bandied about by forces that ascended to power via a coup and are supported by the EU, USA and NATO, and even by fascist forces. These forces are responsible for the dissolution of their country and the torments of the people Ukraine, through the nationalist hysteria they have been cultivating, the naked anticommunism and persecution against the communists of Ukraine, the historical rehabilitation of Ukrainian Nazis and their aim to shackle the Ukrainian people to the imperialist unions of the EU and NATO.

The Ukrainian Ambassador, on his part, pledged that he would convey the KKE’s denunciations to the Ukrainian government, while the delegation of the KKE underlined that this protest was only the beginning.

