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The MEP of the KKE, Sotiris Zarianopoulos, denounced, with a question to the High Representative of the EU for Foreign and Defense of Policy F. Mogherini, the arrest of two cadres of the Russian Communist Workers' Party, as well as the tabling of law that outlaws meetings of MPs with workers and is aimed against the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
The question of the MEP of the KKE was as follows:
"In recent decades, after the overthrow of socialism in the Soviet Union, an assault against the democratic and trade union rights of the workers is being observed in a number of countries in Eastern Europe, as well as in Russia. The climax of this assault is both the anti-communist bans in former socialist countries, which are members of the EU, as well as in Ukraine, and also the corresponding restrictions on the activity of the CPs.
New worrying incidents have been coming to light recently in Russia, like the arrest of two cadres of the Russian Communist Workers Party during the celebrations of the Anti-fascist Victory on May 9 2017, by the Russian authorities. In addition, the tabling of a draft law, which outlaws any meeting of elected MPs at all levels with workers, without the permission of the authorities, targets the Communist Party of the Russian federation (CPRF) and aims to impede the communication of the MPs of the CPRF with the workers.
Based on the above the High Representative is asked:
-What is the position of the Commission on the anti-democratic acts of the Russian authorities?
-What is its position on the serious issue as regards the persecution of and obstacles to the political activity of the CPs?