The 20th Congress of the KKE/30th of March-2 April

The work of the 20th Congress of the KKE is being held at the headquarters of the CC of the KKE in Athens with as its slogan:

"The comprehensive strengthening of the KKE in for the task of regrouping the labour movement and developing the social alliance in an anticapitalist-anti-imperialist direction, in the struggle against imperialist war, for workers' power."

Up until now about 90 Communist and Workers Parties from all over the world have sent messages of greetings to the KKE on the occasion of the party's 20th Congress.

The work of the Congress begins with the presentation of the Report of the CC of the KKE by the GS of the CC, Dimitris Koutsoumpas.

It should be noted that an inner party discussion has been held on the "Theses of the CC of the KKE for the 20th Congress" for the last 3 months, as well as hundreds of public events and discussions.

The delegates to the 20 the Congress of the KKE are called on to discuss:

  1. The developments in the international imperialist system and assessments on the economic-social developments in the world at the end of the second decade of the 21st century. The arenas where the inter-imperialist antagonisms are sharpening, where there is an increase of local and regional conflicts and the dangers for a more generalized imperialist war in the conditions where the victims of war have increased the flows of refugees and immigrants.
  2. Greece's position in the international capitalist system, its position inside the European Union, the relations between the national and international dimension in terms of capitalist development and the class struggle.
  3. the assessment of today's developments in Greece, both in relation to the Greek economy and also in relation to the situation of the working class and the other popular strata. The course of the reformation of the bourgeois political system, as this is developing, particularly over the last four years.
  4.  The report of work since the 19th Congress and the new tasks of the party and its youth organization until the next 21st Congress. The entire report of work of the four year period concerning the strengthening of the party and KNE, the axes of the party's ideological-political intervention, the regroupment of the labour movement, the course of the social alliance. The issue of the relationship between the party and movement in this report. The course of party building, the organizational redeployment of the party forces, the issue of the cadres, the party's finances, the situation in the international communist movement and the activity and cooperation of the KKE with other communist and workers parties in the world. An overall summary assessment concerning the performance of the Central Committee and the proposals of the CC for the new activities that will be scheduled for the period up to the 21st Congress.








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