The European Parliament Group of KKE denounces the escalation of the attempts to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine and condemns the anti-communist persecutions by the Ukrainian government

The ongoing acts by the reactionary Ukrainian government which, with a law it voted on, attempts to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine, while at the same time cooperating openly with fascist parties and their armed gangs, are condemned by the European Parliament Group of the KKE through a Question of the MEP, Kostas Papadakis to the High Representative of Foreign Affairs and Vice President of the EU Commission, F. Mogherini. The question highlights the following:


"After the fiasco in which the trial to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine developed in, the government rushed defiantly, shortly before the 9th of May -the 70th anniversary of the Antifascist Victory of the Peoples - to pass a law that, ignorant of history and based on the unacceptable notion promoted by the EU, equates fascism and communism and calls to "prohibit their propaganda". The law aims only on the actions of the communists and the fighters who opposed against the imperialist intervention of the EU - US and NATO in Ukraine. At the same as the trial to outlaw the Communist Party of Ukraine is pending and there was recently a request for the prosecution of its President Petro Simonienko, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, the Ukrainian government is by law making heroes out of the fascists of the so-called Ukrainian Liberation Army, which acted in World War II. The reactionary government of Ukraine is at the same time using fascist parties and their armed criminal organizations, as shown by the recent appointment of Dmytro Yarosh, head of the Nazi organization "Right Sector", at the position of adviser of the Ministry of Defence.


Moreover, the authorities, seeking to intimidate any dissenting opinion:


  • Proceeded with the arrest of Alexander Bontartsouk, publisher of the magazine "Working Class" who is prosecuted under the pretext that he "indirectly violates the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine" with his articles.
  • Submitted P. Simonienko, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Ukraine, to a 7-hour interrogation.
  • Still keep quiet on the disappearance of journalist Sergey Dolkof, who was kidnapped from the offices of the newspaper he published "I want to be in the USSR" (“Khochu v USSR”) by armed groups that cooperate with the current authorities.


The sharp deterioration of the socioeconomic situation of the workers in Ukraine, the preparations for a military escalation in Eastern Ukraine are all going hand in hand with the anti-communist persecutions.


How is the High Representative positioned concerning the anticommunist law of the Ukrainian government and on the above ongoing anti-communist persecution aimed to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine?


Are anticommunist laws and prosecutions, such as the above, included in the reforms envisaged by the "Memorandum" between EU and Ukraine for the financing of the last 1.8 billion euros from the EU funds?".