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The KKE and the anti-imperialist movement are intensifying the struggle against NATO

The NATO forces retreated in the evening of Friday 2/6 from the tolls on a national highway in Northern Greece (Macedonia), which had been blocked by the forces of the KKE and KNE.
Earlier, dozens of KKE demonstrators had set up a roadblock on the Egnatia highway, impeding the transit of Albanian military vehicles, which were heading through Greece to Romania, where from the 6th to the 14th of June the NATO "Noble Jump 2017" exercise will be held. The demonstrators, shouting anti-NATO and anti-imperialist slogans, allowed other vehicles to pass, only impeding the transit of NATO vehicles, which withdrew after several hours of waiting.
Sotiris Zarianopoulos, MEP of the KKE, was at the side of the demonstrators.
This was just one mass action against NATO and Greece's involvement in the palns of the this imperialist organization, out of the dozens that are being carried out by the labour and anti-war/anti-imperialist movement, which in a mass and organized way, with constant mobilizations, is denouncing NATO, the EU, the SYRIZA-ANEL government and the other bourgeois forces and demands that there be no Greek involvement in the imperialist interventions and wars.
We note some of the mobilizations and events
1 May, PAME and the class-oriented trade unions that participate in its ranks organized dozens of events with as their slogan "with the peoples for a world without exploitation, wars and refugees." An important feature of the events was the participation of Turkish trade unionists in the mobilizations of PAME in Thraki and on some Aegean islands.
14 Μay, thousands of militants participated in the mobilizations of the Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace (EEDYE) in various cities all over the country, with the "Marathon March" from Marathon to Athens being of particular importance and demonstrated outside the Ministry of Defense.
21 May, the anti-war, anti-imperialist movement in Thessalonica carried out a mass demonstration a mass demonstration outside the NATO command centre in the city.
24-25 May, forces of the EEDYE participated in the Conference and mobilization of the World Peace Council (WPC) in Brussels.
27 May, thousands of workers in Athens took part in the internationalist concert of PAME in the outdoor "Petra" theatre, with the participation of the Greek artists and the Turkish band NAZIM HIKMET. The slogan of the concert was "We sing and struggle for a world without exploitation, wars and refugees."
27 May, The local peace committee of the EEDYE organized a demonstration on the island of Samos in the Aegean with the participation of Turkish militants from the Peace Committee of Izmir.
27-28 May, the local peace committees of EEDYE, the trade unions and other mass organizations in Crete organized mass mobilizations and a march to the NATO base at Suda.
28 May, the antiwar, anti-imperialist movement in the city of Alexandroupoli in Thraki organized a mass demonstration against the NATO "NOBLE JUMP" exercise in Romania and denounced the SYRIZA-ANEL government concerning the utilization of Greek territory for the transit of NATO troops that participate in this military exercise.
The labour and anti-war/anti-imperialist movement continues its mobilizations and events, including the very significant Two-day Nationwide mobilization of PAME in Thessalonica on 24-25 of June against the NATO command centre in the city.
The framework of demands that is being projected includes :
No involvement in the imperialist plans and wars
• Return of Greek military forces from abroad.
• No changes to the borders and the treaties that define them.
• NATO out of the Aegean, the Mediterranean and the Balkans.
• The Suda base and all the foreign military bases and command centres must be closed.
• No spending for the needs of NATO.
• Disengagement from NATO and the EU, with the Greek people masters their own homeland.
Protests in the military camps
A discussion has opened up in the ranks of the Armed Forces and chiefly amongst the conscripts (those doing their National Service) about the assistance that is provided by the Greek government to the NATO forces and the about the participation of our county's armed forces in the "Noble Jump" exercise in Romania. The indignation and protests of the conscripts are being expressed through open statements in , for example, the camps of Attica, Rhodes, Kastelorizo and Cyprus.
For example, soldiers serving in Kastelorizo, protested with an open letter about the participation of Greek armed forces, noting amongst other things that the provision of territories, soldiers and facilities for the NATO exercise "in practice means the undermining of the sovereign rights of the Greek people and the country and integrate the country's armed forces in the war plans of NATO at the expense of the peoples."