The KKE denounces the anti-communist persecution against the CP of Ukraine

The KKE carried out an intervention in the EU Parliament’s Foreign Affairs’ Committee in order to denounce the persecution of the CP of Ukraine and the dissolution of its parliamentary group. This committee carried out a special meeting, where the President of the Ukrainian Parliament, V. Groysman, was the central speaker. 

The MEP of the KKE, Kostas Papadakis, stressed in his speech: “Mr Groysman in your country, which the Chair E. Brok in his presentation characterized as a country that could be an example to be emulated, the reactionary government that is supported by fascist forces dissolved the Parliamentary Group of the Communist Party of Ukraine. 

In the same country, the President of the Administrative Court of Kiev that is conducting the Ukrainian government’s political persecution against the CP of Ukraine, resigned and made accusations that on the 16th and 17th of February he and other members of the judiciary were subject to searches in their offices, to searches of their computers and personal items. The president characterized these acts as being illegal and refused to bow to the pressure. 10 other judges of the same court demanded exemption from the specific trial in support of the President of the court. 

The EU that hypocritically and selectively invokes democratic rights when it wants to use them as a pretext for its imperialist interventions, in Ukraine amongst other places, for the interests of the monopolies it represents has signed an Association Agreement with the reactionary Ukrainian government. 

Mr Groysman, what position do you take on the dissolution of the CP of Ukraine’s Parliamentary Group? What do you have to say about the provocative machinations of the reactionary Ukrainian government in the trial-parody taking place at the expense of the CP of Ukraine in order to impose its outlawing?” 

In his closing remarks, the President of the Ukrainian Parliament deliberately avoided answering the issue about the persecution against the CP of Ukraine. After the persistent intervention of the KKE, he was forced to take a position on the issue, stating provocatively that the persecution against the CP of Ukraine was vindicated because it did not manage to win enough votes to enter parliament in the recent elections.  However, it is well-known that the dissolution of the CP of Ukraine’s Parliamentary Group and the barrage of legal prosecutions against it, and against its cadres and members began before the elections, with the aim of terrorizing the Ukrainian people. 

The KKE, continuing its interventions against the anti-communist persecution in Ukraine, highlighting the major responsibilities of the EU, tabled a related question to the European Commission.