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The “leftwing” SYRIZA-ANEL government attacked a large pensioners’ demonstration with teargas
The government “welcomed” the large pensioners’ demonstration held in Athens on 3/10/2016 with the batons and teargas of the police.
The pensioners who were protesting against the new reduction of their pensions, this time implemented by the SYRIZA-ANEL government, demanded that the police vans blocking their march withdraw and also for a meeting to be held with the Prime Minister, A. Tsipras. However the police “responded” to this demand by firing teargas and using their batons to disperse the rally.
Christos Katsotis, MP of the KKE, attended the mobilization and protested intensely to the police forces as regards their attack on the pensioners.
The KKE, PAME and dozens of labour unions from all over the country issued statements denouncing the attack. As the statement of the Press Office of the CC of the KKE mentioned amongst other things: «the SYRIZA-ANEL government showed its real face by ordering the attack, with riot police and tear gas, against pensioners who were demonstrating against the cuts in their pensions and asking to meet the Prime Minister. Once again it has been proven that the implementation of the antiworker-antipeople political line goes hand in hand with repression and authoritarianism against the working people, the popular strata who assert their rights".