The president of GUE/NGL attends the awarding of the anticommunist “Sakharov Prize”

The bourgeoisie and the opportunists together in the EU campaign against socialist Cuba

The concurrence of the bourgeoisie and the opportunists during the despicable ceremony where the president of the European Parliament Martin Schulz awarded “prize Sakharov” to Guillermo Fariñas, who as it has been proven has multifaceted connections with the USA, the EU the bourgeois governments of its member-states and business groups, is a part of the escalation of the anticommunist campaign of the EU against the socialist Cuba.

The Presidents and the MPS of the political groups of the European Parliament saluted with their presence the anticommunist delirium of Martin Schulz against the people of Cuba: the People’s Party, the Social democrats, the Liberals, the Greens, the Conservative and Reformists and Gabi Zimmer the president of GUE/NGL, cadre of the German Party “Die Linke” which is an ally of SYRIZA and a basic component of the opportunist European Left Party who took part in this contemptible ceremony.

The EP delegation of the KKE denounced this despicable ceremony which was organized by the political personnel of the monopolies in the European Parliament, the awarding of “Prize Sakharov” to the Guillermo Fariñas who expresses the despicable anticommunist campaign of the EU against the socialist Cuba and the achievements of its people.

It also condemned the stance of Gabi Zimmer, president of GUE/NGL, because it is in complete contrast with the unanimous position of the group not to participate in the ceremony for the award of prize “Sakharov” to Guillermo Fariñas.

This stance of Gabi Zimmer, president of GUE/NGL is a continuation of the concurrence of the bourgeois forces with the opportunists in the European Parliament and other organs of the EU that reveals once again that opportunism is an enemy for the labour-people’s movement.

The Delegation of the KKE in the European Parliament expresses its internationalist solidarity with the Cuban people and its support for their struggle against the EU, the imperialist intestate union of capital, and the USA, for the defense of the achievements of the people of Cuba, the undeniable right of the peoples to decide for their life and future.