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There can be no pro-people political line with the capitalists in power

The three days of discussions in the full plenum of the Parliament on the programmatic statements of the new government ended on 10/2 with the vote of confidence provided to the new government (162 votes in favour) by the MPs of SYRIZA and ANEL.
The subservience to the anti-people strategy of capital and the EU and to the aims of the domestic business groups dominated the discussion. This was true of the government and also of the other parties of bourgeois management. Any disagreements that existed were focused on the way the profitability of the monopolies will be reinforced and the capitalist recovery will be safeguarded.
The voice of the working class, of the people was heard only when the MPs of the KKE were at the podium, speaking about various aspects of foreign and domestic policy. They exposed the essence of the SYRIZA-ANEL government’s programmatic statements, the character of the anti-people negotiations that the government is carrying out with the EU and lenders, the commitments it has undertaken in relation to the imperialist organizations of the EU and NATO. The MPs of the KKE revealed that the people can not expect a pro-people political line as long as the capitalists are in power and they made it clear that the line of demarcation is the following : “either you are with the monopolies and their unions, the EU, NATO, the OECD or you are with the working class and the popular strata allied with it.”
Speaking in Parliament on 9/1, Dimitris Koutsoumpas, the GS of the CC of the KKE, called on the people, the youth, the radical labour-people’s movement to chart their own line of struggle in order to recover the losses they suffered in the crisis period. As he said “The people must organize their counterattack for the way out that will bring hope: the socialization of the monopolies, the disengagement from the EU and NATO, with the people at the helm of power, in order to pave the way for the only realistic and timely perspective, for the real liberation of man, which is the construction of a new socialist society.”
In his rejoinder on 10/2, D. Koutsoumpas underlined that the new agreement that the new government wants to sign with the lenders will have old and new anti-people conditions. Whatever name this new agreement will have, for the time being, the majority of the memorandum measures will remain in force and the rest will be covered by other equivalent measures of a structural character, based on the OECD, or its “toolbox”, or its notorious reforms.
The GS of the CC of the KKE stressed that the references to the “pride of the Greek people” are being made in order to conceal the government’s commitments to the EU and its rules, its compromise with poverty and the crumbs it promises.
D. Koutsoumpas made reference to the fact that the controversy between “Merkelists” and “Obamists” has nothing to do with the interests of the people. No one can and no one should feel proud about simply choosing how and when his rights will be destroyed and he stressed that the flag of the historical struggles of the people and movement can not be placed under the flags of the EU, NATO, the monopolies and the memoranda. He called on the people not to remain passive or become cheerleaders in the various parades in favour of the government’s choices. They must organize their struggle now, chart a line of struggle, under their own banners and not under false flags.