They refused to relieve the people from their debts to the banks

The SYRIZA-ANEL government as well as the bourgeois opposition parties, with a common line in defense of capital, but using a "variety" of arguments, rejected  the draft law of the KKE for the relief of popular families from their debts to the banks in the full session of parliament on the 14/7.

Their class choice in favour of the banks and business groups became clear in the discussion and at the same time they were scornful of the KKE's proposal, because it presupposed that the bankers and capital would pay the costs for the measures to provide substantial relief to the working class and popular families. Their goal is to force the people to live with diminished expectations and demands, to live destitute wretched lives, with the noose of indebtedness, which is increasing due to unemployment, very high taxation, reductions in salaries and pensions etc.

The speeches of the KKE's MPs hammered this political line and called on the people to adopt the proposals contained in the party's draft law in order to struggle for their implementation, coming into conflict with capital, the EU, their political line and parties.
