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Contribution of the CP of the Workers of Finland

In Finland, the political power has the right-wing Government, which implements clear national and international interests of the bourgeoisie and capitalists. The Government  is accompanied by the true Finns party, which is a populist right-wing party, which is supported by the part of the working class, which is rightly disappointed in reformist left-wing parties. The lack of class consciousness and social unaware of this part of the working population makes it the  most susceptible to nationalistic and racist propaganda.
Economic and social policy carried out in Finland, has long been weaken the  interests and rights of the working class. Finland's economy, which was largely independent and self-sustaining in the past, after engaging the Western economic integration and in the mid-1990s, the European Union has encountered in  serious economic difficulties. The decline in production and investment has led to the mass unemployment, to the debt of state, the public communities and individuals, It has led to the growth of incomes inequality  and increase of poverty. Finland has been driven by the left-wing parties and the bourgeoisie among those EU-countries, whose economy and social policy is determined by the EU-Commission and the capitalist groups.
The Government wants to make the people to pay the economic problems of the bourgeoisie. In order to balance the budget, the planned cuts are targeted to social services, health, education, social welfare and unemployment benefits. Instead, the very interests of the capitalists and of the prosperous part of the population are not interfered.
As regards the foreign policy of the Finnish Government and the right wing will openly tie Finland to join NATO. Cooperation with NATO is constantly intensified. The right-wing media maintain and deepen the hateful and suspicious image of the Russian people and state..
Communist workers ' Party has sought in its activities to the fact that there is an increasing awareness among the working class  of the policy conducted and the connection and dependence on membership of the European Union. Our party has always boycotted the EU-elections. Our party is the only party that is boycotting the EU elections in Finland. We do not want to adapt the working class to the idea that the Finnish membership in the EU would change the EU's imperialism more democratic and social, and that the European Union would secure peace in Europe. The EU does not progress any of these objectives.
The forceful contrary opinion of the  working class and the people of the EU is a good basis for the fight against capitalism in Europe. In this fight we can show that the only  right road forward is to the socialism. It is a sustainable way to go.
The resistance of the working class  and their organizations has grown and has become more coordinated. The opposition movement has been risen inside the trade union movement  against its reformist leadership.
In the Communist workers` party, we did last winter an assessment according to which capitalism does not survive in its contemporary crises and that there is an increased risk of a major war. The capitalist class and the right try to push Finland to carry out the exploitation of imperialist capitalism and as a party to the war.
In this situation, our party has risen the slogans:
- out of EU and euro – with the policy of nationalisation for work and livelihoods towards  the construction of conditions of socialism;
- out of Nato and a variety of associations of war –  for peace and cooperation with neighbouring States, such as Russia.
 In our party tactics, the Party supports the working  class movements and is included in those which have an objective function for  overall benefits of working class,  solidarity and peace.
By virtue of this activity, we are also putting together a common political activities of those organisations who call themselves Communists-. In this fight against the capitalism with those who call themselves communists, our Communist workers ' party  has risen slogan:  out of the EU, the euro and of  NATO. For nationalisation policy for work and livelihoods. The direction of the socialism!