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All anti-communist prosecutions must stop

Kostas Papadakis,MEP of the KKE,made an intervention on the anti-communist prosecutions in Poland and Ukraine in a debate with Commissioner VĕraJourová in the European Parliament's Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE), denouncing the Commissioner's unacceptable answers to the relevant questions of the Group of the KKE in the European Parliamentand EU's hypocritical interest in “human rights”.
In his speech, the MEP of the KKE stressed the following:
“Commissioner, in a recent question about the European Commission’s position towards the unacceptable and anti-communist prosecution of the Communist Party of Poland, its newspaper and its editorial board, you have attempted to respond by claiming that the Commission“acknowledges that some Member States have adopted legislationon banning the use of symbols of the Communist past"and that"the Commission, within its remit, has always been firmly committed [...] to the memory of totalitarian regimes”. “Each Member State”, you said, “has found its own approach to remembering itshistory”.
Mrs.Jourová, the equation of communism with the fascist monster is unhistoricaland insubstantial.What you said regarding totalitarianism has no basis, because, above all, fascism and bourgeois democracy have a common economic base, which is the capitalist ownership, while on the contrary, in socialism wealth and power are in the hands of the people.
At the same time, the EU is making a fuss in Poland for “the situation in the sector of Justice”, which expresses the growing contradictions of big interests within the EU and fully covers anti-communist laws and anti-communist prosecutions in the same country.
What do you also have to say about the fact that on July 16, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine imposed a ban on the Communist Party of Ukraine? It is hypocritical to say that you have no remit in Member States or other countries since the EU supports and finances campaigns with anti-communist and unhistorical content such as the “Europe for Citizens” programme in Member States.
It turns out that the EU ... remembers “human rights” and “political freedoms” as a tool for interventions and to secure the interests it serves. It appears as a supposedly ... sensitive and unsolicited“advocate of human rights”, intervening in the internal affairs of statesacross the length and breadth of the world. It applauds and puts its seal on the escalation of anti-communism in a number of Member States which goes hand in hand with the intensity of its anti-labour anti-popular policy. At the same time, it seeks to tarnish the achievements of socialism in the workers' consciousness. Achievements that the peoples have experienced and still reminisce with high rates, as surveys in these countries show, despite all the mud and slander.
Anti-communism will fail.
Hands off the Polish and Ukrainian Communists, those in the Baltic countries.
Hands off the Communist-anti-fascist monuments and historical truth.
We demand all anti-communist prosecutionsto stop here and now.”