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Contribution of the KKE at the Online meeting with CP of Israel & Palestinian PP

An online meeting of Communist and Workers Parties was co-orgnized by the CP of Israel & the Palestinian PP on Wednesday, October 9 at 20:00 on Zoom.

This is the Contribution of the KKE in the meeting, that was presented by Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos, MEP of the KKE:


Dear comrades,

On behalf of the KKE, we would like to thank the CPI and the PPP for inviting us to participate in this event, which is taking place at a crucial stage for the Palestinian people, the Lebanese people, the Israeli people, and by extension for all the peoples of the region. 

The communists of Greece express our abhorrence at the fact that for more than a year the occupying state of Israel has been carrying out a genocide in Gaza. The confirmed death toll exceeds 42,000 - the majority of them civilians, women and children - while estimates of the actual casualties put the number of dead in the hundreds of thousands. The majority of the people of Gaza have for the second time taken the path of refuge, and every day they are faced with bombardments, hardship, shortages of food, water, medicine and disease.

We condemn the expansion of Israel’s murderous operations to the West Bank, rebutting by itself the unacceptable pretexts of "war with Hamas" used and reproduced by its allies - the US, the EU, NATO - to justify the new massacre of the Palestinian people.

We are demonstrating all over the country against this atrocity supported by the EU, the US, NATO, who defend Israel's so-called "right to self-defence", thus equating the perpetrator with the victim and aiming to promote the plans of Euro-Atlanticism in the region. Furthermore, the EU continues to subsidise Israeli military manufacturing companies, with billions of euros, which are being used against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, despite the outcry from the peoples of the Europe in the huge rallies that take place.

The KKE targets the ND government in Greece, which, against the will of the people, disregarding the mass popular condemnation of the atrocities of the State of Israel, assumes huge responsibilities in involving the country in the war, with upgraded military-political-economic relationship with the occupying State of Israel, with frigates in the Red Sea and the South-Eastern Mediterranean, artillery batteries in Saudi Arabia, giving military bases from where the peoples of the region are massacred. At the same time, no government, liberal or social democratic, since 2015, has implemented the unanimous decision of the Greek Parliament to recognize the Palestinian State, as the KKE is insisting. 

The real cause of this conflict is the illegal occupation for over 70 years of Palestinian territories by Israel, but also of Lebanese, Syrian territories. The denial for over 70 years of the Palestinian people's right to their own state, of the right of refugees to return to their homes, facts that the Israeli propaganda machine, with the complicity of its Euro-Atlantic allies, is trying to conceal.

It now turns out that Israel's goal from the very beginning was the forcible expulsion of the Palestinians from their territories, the continuation and extension of the occupation, the cancellation of the establishment of a Palestinian state, so that the plans for the economic-commercial-energy and political upgrading of the occupying state in the region could proceed unhindered, as Netanyahu, representing Israel’s bourgeoisie, revealed from the podium of the UN General Assembly.

And today, on the background of intensifying international disputes of Euro-Atlanticism with its competitors - such as China, Russia - the situation in the Middle East has entered a new, more dangerous phase. With the bombings, the sabotage in Lebanon and Syria, the ground invasion of Lebanon, the assassination of political leaders. Now, Israel's imminent attack after Iran's retaliation feeds a nightmarish vicious circle that the people are paying for.

Another victim of this politics is the people of Israel themselves, who condemn the Netanyahu government’s policy with huge demonstrations, demanding peace, an end to military operations, an end to the occupation and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

On this occasion, we want to express our unreserved militant solidarity with the Communist and Workers' Parties in Palestine, Israel and Lebanon who are struggling for organizing of the popular struggle in their countries.

We stress again the importance of the just struggle, of the resistance of the Palestinian people in all its forms, against the long occupation, the killings, the humiliations and the genocide.

In Greece, the mobilizations of internationalist solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese people are daily, with the KKE and the KNE leading the class, anti-war, anti-imperialist movement. The KKE in the European Parliament, highlights these initiatives with constant interventions in the plenary, in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, in the delegation for relations with Palestine.

Now is the time for more people and more decisively to join the battle to stop the genocide by the occupying state of Israel, to stop the raids and bombings in Lebanon and Syria, for Palestine free and independent homeland for its people, within the borders before June 1967 with East Jerusalem its capital, for the closure of the US-NATO bases of war in our country, for the disentanglement of Greece from the dangerous imperialist plans and unions, with the people in command of our country.

