Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

Escalation of strikes - National general strike on 20 November

On Wednesday 23 October, thousands of strikers from the sectors of dockers, seamen, hospitality workers and primary and secondary school teachers flooded the streets of Athens, Piraeus and other major cities, escalating the wave of strikes that started last week by health workers and delivery platform workers.

The trade unions and the thousands of strikers have foiled the attempt of the government and the bourgeois state to terrorize the workers with court decisions declaring the strikes "illegal and abusive". The workers' demands are centred on wage increases, the signing of Collective Labour Agreements and opposition to the country's involvement in the US-NATO-EU imperialist interventions in the wider region.

In the next period the wave of strikes will increase, with a strike of construction workers and once again of the delivery platform workers. The mass militant processes and the General Assemblies of the trade unions as well as the informational campaigns in the workplaces will be intensified to bring the country to a standstill on 20 November with the national general strike, under the slogan “Greece out of the slaughterhouses of war, give money for wages, health and education”.






