Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:


Hands off the communists of Georgia!

The KKE denounces Georgia's authorities for prosecuting Temur Pipia, head of the CC of the Unified Communist Party of Georgia (UCPG), based on the anti-communist legislation banning communist symbols and equating them with those of the Nazis.

As it became known, on March 28-29, the Georgian authorities arrested Temur Pipia, on his arrival from Russia, because he had commemorative medals for the 75 years of the Antifascist Victory in his luggage, which had been given to the UCPG by the CPRF.

No one should forget that the people of Georgia took an active part in the struggle of the Soviet people and the Red Army for the overthrow of the fascist monster. More than 300,000 Georgians lost their lives in the battle, while 136 Georgians were awarded with the highest honor, the Hero of the Soviet Union.

The rewriting of history with the unacceptable identification of the Nazis with the communists and the USSR, who fought them and defeated them, will not pass!


Hands off communists!

Temur Pipia's persecution must stop now!