Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:


Hands off the communists of Ukraine

* 01/05/2015. A KKE delegation at the May Day celebrations in Kiev, invited by the Communist Party of Ukraine, a few days after the Ukrainian parliament passed the unacceptable law that equates communism with fascism and bans communist symbols and the propagation of communist ideology.

The International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE issued a statement on the persecution of communists in Ukraine, which reads as follows:

“The KKE condemns the ongoing undemocratic persecution against Ukrainian communists by the reactionary Zelenskiy regime, that has outlawed dozens of Ukrainian political parties and is particularly eager to persecute communists.

In this way, in addition to the persecution against the Kononovich brothers, cadres of the youth of the Communist Party of Ukraine, a trial against Georgi Buiko, Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Ukraine, head of the Anti-Fascist Committee of Ukraine and former MP began on 15/8/23, while the security authorities announced that they were also bringing a prosecution againstPyotr Simonenko, First Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Ukraine.

At the same time, the reactionary authorities of Ukraine, who are leading the way in the vindication and glorification of Ukrainian fascists and collaborators of Hitler during World War II, express the political forces that prevailed after the counter-revolution was completed and capitalism was restored (1989-1991) and are linked to the constitutional aberration (in 2014), while they are helped and supported by the USA, NATO and the EU, in the context of the imperialist confrontation and war waged in the country after the invasion of capitalist Russia. It is a war confrontation that has massacred the peoples of Ukraine and Russia for the interests of the monopolies!

It is the same reactionary authorities that have targeted KKE members, including the deputy speaker of the Greek parliament and communist MP, G. Lamproulis, for expressing solidarity with the people of Donbass and with the people of Ukraine in general.

The New Democracy government, together with the other Euro-Atlantic parties (SYRIZA, PASOK, etc.) has huge responsibilities for our country's involvement in the imperialist war, the transformation of Greece into a NATO "stronghold", as well as for the operation to "whitewash" the Ukrainian Nazis and the reactionary authorities of this country, that persecute communists and every opposition voice.

We demand:

- Hands off the communists of Ukraine!

- Greece must be disengaged from the imperialist war!

- Close all US and NATO bases!”

