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The massacre at the expense of the people of Palestine must end now

We, the communist and workers’ parties which sign this Joint Statement condemn the barbaric and criminal assault of the state of Israel against the Palestinian people.
We express our full solidarity with the people of Palestine and we call on the workers all over the world to mobilize in order to strengthen the wave of condemnation against Israel, in order for solidarity with the Palestinian people to be expressed in a practical way.
The USA also bears an enormous responsibility for these bloody developments, which is supporting Israel in every way in the continuation of the oppression and massacre of the Palestinian people.
The EU also bears responsibility, as it follows the line of keeping an “equal distance” between the victim and the persecutor and is simultaneously developing cooperation with Israel at a military and economic-political level.
The communist and workers’ parties that sign this statement demand:
- That the crime against the Palestinian people be condemned.
- The continuing air raids against the Palestinian people must cease immediately and a ground offensive must be prevented.
- The Israeli occupation armies must withdraw.
- The immediate liberation of all political prisoners from the Israeli prisons.
- The tearing down of the unacceptable wall of division and the lifting of every form of blockade against the Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
- The immediate end to the settlements and the withdrawal of all the settlers that have settled beyond the 1967 borders.
- The right of return of all the Palestinian refugees to their homes, on the basis of the relevant UN decisions.
- All joint military exercises and all the agreements of military cooperation with Israel must be cancelled.
- A Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
- Communist Party of Albania
- PADS, Algeria
- Communist Party of Australia
- Party of Labour of Austria
- Democratic Progessive Tribune, Bahrain
- Communist Party of Bangladesh
- Workers’ Party of Bangladesh
- Communist Workers’ Party of Belarus
- Workers' Party of Belgium
- Brazilian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Brazil
- Communist Party Britain
- New Communist Party of Britain
- Party of the Bulgarian Communists
- Union of Communists in Bulgaria
- Communist Party of Canada
- Communist Party of Chile
- Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia
- AKEL, Cyprus
- Communist Party of Bohemia and Morevia
- Danish Communist Party
- Communist Party in Denmark
- Communist Party of Denmark
- Communist Party of Finland
- Pole of the Communist Revival in France
- Union of Revolutionary Communists in France
- Communist Party of Macedonia
- Unified Communist Party of Georgia
- German Communist Party
- Communist Party of Greece
- Hungarian Workers’ Party
- Communist Party of India
- Communist Party of India (Marxist)
- Tudeh Party, Iran
- Communist Party of Ireland
- Workers' Party of Ireland
- Party of the Italian Communists
- Communist Party, Italy
- Jordanian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Luxembourg
- COmmunist Party of Malta
- Communist Party of Mexico
- Popular Socialist Party – National Political Association, Mexico
- New Communist Party of Netherlands
- Communist Party of Norway
- Communist Party of Pakistan
- Palestinian Communist Party
- Palestinian People’s Party
- Peruvian Communist Party
- Phillipine Communist Party (PKP-1930)
- Communist Party of Poland
- Portuguese Communist Party
- Communist Party of Romania
- Communist Party of the Russian Federation
- Communist Workers’ Party of Russia
- New Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Serbia
- Party of the Communists of Serbia
- Communist Party of Slovakia
- South African Communist Party
- Communist Party of Spain
- Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
- Party of the Communists of Catalonia, Spain
- Galizan People’s Union, Spain
- Sudanese Communist Party
- Communist Party of Sweden
- Communist Party, Sweden
- Syrian Communist Party
- Union of Communists of Ukraine
- Communist Party USA
- Party of Communists USA
- Communist Party of Venezuela
The Statement is still open for signatures.