KKE and KNE block trucks with ammunition heading to Ukraine

On 6 November, members of the KKE and the KNE blocked six trucks carrying ammunition to Ukraine in the city of Tirnavos.

The trucks, which hadUkrainian, Polish and Bulgarian plates, were carrying rockets and other ammunition coming from a camp in the region and were on their way to Ukraine, as part of the agreements made by the government to increase the country’s involvement in the imperialist war in Ukraine, with a continuous supply of war material to the Zelenskiy government.

It is worth mentioning that the transport of the murderous and dangerous cargo took place in broad daylight and through a town where thousands of people live.

With slogans such as “No land or water for the murderers of the people”, “No involvement, no participation, NATO out of Greece”, the members of the KKE and the KNE, despite the presence of police forces on the spot, decisively blocked the road on which the trucks were moving, demonstrating in practice the will of the great majority of the people to stop Greece’s participation  in the deadly imperialist plans of the USA - NATO - EU, in the slaughterhouses of the peoples in Ukraine and elsewhere.

The unyielding attitude of the members of the KKE and the KNE was successful and the deadly cargo did not pass through Tirnavos! The trucks retreated with the slogans “NATO Killers go home”, written on them in red paint by KKE members.

Throughout the demonstration, people came out of their houses and cheered and applauded the KKE and KNE members. After the trucks had left, a march through the streets of the city followed. With slogans and announcements, the Organizations of the KKE and the KNE informed the people of the city about the demonstration, and called on them to bemilitantly vigilant and to intensify the struggle to stop the transformation of the region of Thessaly into a war base of the USA - NATO – EU, for the disengagement of our country from the imperialist plans.

The demonstration was attended by a large delegation of the municipal authorities of Tirnavos. The communist mayor of Tirnavos, Stelios Tsikritsis, stressed among other things that “the people of Tirnavos, with theirmilitant traditions, who have sent their anti-war messagemany times, will not allow loads of death to pass through the city, will not allow the further involvement of the country in the imperialist slaughterhouse. Our slogan is ‘Neither a base for killers nor a target for reprisals’.”

Vasilis Metaxas, MP of the KKE, also spoke at the demonstration, stressing: “We denounce the New Democracy government which, on behalf of local business groups, is depleting the Greek military camps of ammunition and involving the country in an unjust imperialist war. The government bears huge responsibility for involving us in the bloodshed of the peoples. The people have the power to intervene dynamically in the developments and to give a way out of the imperialist wars. We will continue, we will keep breathing down their necksall over Greece.”





