Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:


On Wednesday 5 June, a mass rally took place in the centre of Athens, outside the Greek Parliament (Syntagma Square), and was a precursor of the decisive strengthening of the KKE in the ballot boxes of 9 June in the largest urban centreand across the country.

Thousands of people and youth flooded the heart of the city, amidst the electoral battle that continues with undiminished intensity until the last minute before the polls close next Sunday.

The keynote speaker was the GS of the CC of the KKE, D. Koutsoumbas, who first referred to the pan-European importance of voting for the KKE, underlining that "we dream of a Europe of the peoples and we are already building it through our joint struggles. In the future, it will take shape, so that the younger generations can live in a European continent free of poverty, unemployment, wars, exploitation and refugees".

D. Koutsoumbas called on the people to condemn the New Democracy government, which, using the argument of "stability", seeks to have scope to continue its criminal policy. "They will meet their matchin a much stronger KKE and a people much more determined to fight for their rights."

The GS of the CC of the KKE referred to the responsibilities of the parties of social democracy, saying that SYRIZA and PASOK "together with ND vote on the crucial decisions of the EU for the peoplein the European Parliament, as for 5 years now they have been voting on crucial billsin the Greek Parliament."

Referring to important strikes that are currently taking place in Greece (e.g. the workers at the metro construction sites in Attica, who are on a multi-day strike, the workers of the mines of Chalkidiki, who struggle against 12-hour days and for wage increases, and the healthcare workers of the country's public hospitals), he called on the people to strengthen "the only formidable adversary against the ND government, the anti-popular EU and its parties", i.e. the KKE.

From the central pre-election rally, D. Koutsoumbas referred to the struggle of the people of Palestine and the huge wave of solidarity, which was also manifested in Greece through the irreplaceable action of the KKE. It should be noted that at that time,the thousands of people participating in the rally opened a large banner with the emblematic image of the child with the Palestinian flag.

The GS of the CC of the KKE denounced the ND government that "is getting more and more involved in the wars of the EU, in Ukraine and the Middle East" and called on the people to "turn the elections into the biggest anti-war demonstration, with hundreds of casting the only ballot paper that translates into ‘No to the wars of the imperialists’ and ‘Freedom for Palestine’. And this is the ballot paper of the KKE".

D. Koutsoumbas also noted, among other things that "The struggles we have fought and those we will fight are reflected on the ballot paper of the KKE that you will take in your hands on Sunday. It is the ballot paper that unites the struggles of the workers of LARCO, who are fighting against all odds and endure, of the dockers, of the workers of e-food, of the construction workers, of the healthcare workers, of the farmers for their survival. The struggles to save people's homes from foreclosure. The struggles of pensioners for a life with dignity. The struggles of women for emancipation and equality at work, at home, in society. The struggles of the youth for education, work, their entire life. A vote for the KKE is a vote to demand more decisively all that we are entitled to and deprived of."

At the end of the rally, the demonstrators spread a large banner with the initials of the party of the working class, the KKE.