Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:


In the Plenary Session of the Greek Parliament on 01/09/21, the KKE demanded the immediate withdrawal of the government's legislative monstrosity, which is aimed against the social security system by introducing the privatization of Supplementary Insurance. The KKE conveyed the demand of thousands of workers and trade unions, as was demonstrated with their mass rally outside the Parliament.

“The ND government introduced the monstrous law for the abolition of the 8-hour working day, the increase of unpaid working hours, the extension of flexible forms of employment,  and struck a blow against trade union rights and the right to strike. Today, it brings before Parliament a monstrosity that privatizes and dismantles Supplementary Insurance, escalating the anti-popular attack”. With this monstrous draft law, the contributions will be collected in an investment fund and will be invested in stock market products, i.e. the workers’ labour will be gambled with, involving a high risk of depriving the workers of a supplementary pension. “You seek to take advantage of workers' contributions to provide  funds amounting to €86 billion to investors to support capitalist growth”, stressed Giorgos Marinos, MP of the KKE.

Protesters in Athens, Thessaloniki, and other cities, responded to the call of trade unions and asserted their opposition to the dismantling of Social Security, demanding the abolition of all laws against the social security system as well as public, universal, and compulsory Social Security.

The GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, attended the rally against the privatization of Supplementary Insurance and made the following statement to the media:


“Social security is a social right, it is not for wager. We are rising up against the privatization of Supplementary Insurance.

We demand the abolition of all the laws against the social security system introduced by the ND, PASOK, and SYRIZA governments; increases in pensions and all social benefits; the reintroduction of the 13th salary, the 13th and the 14th pension payment (Christmas and Easter bonuses); the reinstatement of all cuts that have taken place throughout the last decade. We organize and strengthen the workers’–people's struggle, even more decisively from now on; we change the negative correlation of forces”.


