Massive, militant rallies against the Tsipra – Zaev Agreement , NATO plans and nationalism

Their own "NO" to the Tsipra-Zaev agreement, to USA-NATO-EU plans, to irredentism and to nationalism, but also their own "YES" to friendship – solidarity and the joint struggle of the peoples was given by workers, youth and pensioners who rallied in the KKE demonstrations on Thursday, 24th January.

The GS of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumpas addressed the rally in Athens and immediately after, demonstrators marched towards the American Embassy. When the head of the march reached the embassy, demonstrators burned NATO, US and EU flags.


Sotiris Zarianopoulos, EU Parliament representative of the KKE and mayoral candidate for Thessaloniki, addressed the rally in Thessaloniki which was followed by a march to the US Consulate.

Similar mobilizations were held in Larisa.



With KKE we strengthen the opposition of the people to imperialist designs, to NATO, to the EU

"We are here to declare our own "NO" to the Tsipra-Zaev agreement and the Euro-Atlantic anti-people designs. We are here to affirm our own "YES" to peace, to friendship, to the solidarity of the Greek people with neighboring peoples. What was prominently displayed on the Acropolis this morning, the eternal symbol of Greek and global culture, which made the round of the world, are the real "NO" and the real "YES"", stated the General Secretary of the KKE.

He also emphasized that "the SYRIZA government is preparing to vote on the Prespa Agreement, which was designed, implemented and finally signed with the FYROM government, by demand of NATO, the Americans and the EU, of big capital so they can do business in the Balkans."
Finally, he stressed that "We call on the workers, the unemployed, the people of the popular strata to strengthen their opposition to imperialist plans, NATO, the EU.

To struggle for the removal of American NATO bases from Greece, for the disengagement of our country from the imperialist organizations, so that no other people may enter this prison.

To take their place in the struggle with the Communists, in order to strengthen the solidarity and the common struggle of the peoples, to follow our own path, with our own power, workers' power. "



KKE Demonstrations 24.01.2019


