Messages of Condolences

The following attended the funeral of Babis Angourakis: The Cuban Ambassador in Athens, Osvaldo Cobacho Martinez, the head of AKEL’s section in Athens and member of the CC of AKEL, Koulis Theodolou, Murat Akad, member of the Secretariat of the CP Turkey, Baudouin Deckers, member of the PB of the Workers’ Party of Belgium, EMEP, a Delegation from the Palestinian Embassy and the Palestinian community of Greece.


Messages of Condolences were received from the following parties


CP of Albania

Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism (PADS)

CP of Australia

CP of Austria

Party of Labour of Austria

CP of Bangladesh

Workers’ Party of Belgium

CP Wallonia-Brussels

CP of Brazil (PCdoB)

New CP of Britain

CP Canada

Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia

CP of Cuba


CP of Bohemia and Moravia

CP in Denmark

Danish CP

Union of Revolutionary Communists of France

Pole of Communist Revival in France

French CP

Unified CP of Georgia

German CP

Hungarian Workers’ Party

CP India

CP India (Marxist)

Tudeh  party, Iran

Workers’ Party of Ireland

CP Ireland

CP of Israel

Party of the Italian Communists

Socialist Party of Latvia

Lebanese CP

CP Luxembourg

CP Malta

CP Macedonia (FYROM)

CP Mexico

Popular Socialist Party, Mexico

NCP of the Netherlands

CP of Pakistan

CP of Palestine

Palestinian Peopels' Party

CP of Poland

Portuguese CP

Romanian CP

Party of the Socialist Alternative Romania

CP of the Russian Federation

CP of Spain

CP of the Peoples of Spain

Party of Communists of Catalonia 

Galician People's Union

New CP of Yugoslavia

Communists of Serbia

Syrian CP

CP of Tadjikistan

CP Turkey


CP of Uruguay


CP of Venezuela

CP of Vietnam