The KKE condemns today's orgy of government authoritarianism, police violence and repression.

The government and the police unleashed unjustified, unprovoked attacks and verbal assaults against KKE MPs and cadres, including the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, proceeded to dozens of arrests and injured protesters, despite the fact that the rally was observing the measures of public health protection in an exemplary way.

The government bears historic and criminal responsibilities. It turned out that protection against the pandemic was only a pretext, as the first to provocatively ignore health protection measures were the government, the state and repressive mechanisms.

The government's goal is now obvious even to the most skeptical ones. By setting up a theater of conflicts, it  seeks to avoid its responsibilities for the collapse of the public health system and the lack of necessary measures, leading to thousands of cases and dozens of deaths every day. It also wanted to get rid of the militant and insurgent message of the Polytechnic  uprising using the pretext of the pandemic.

It completely failed! Government authoritarianism and bans were in practice repealed. The rally took place and the march reached the US embassy, with the exemplary observance of all measures for the protection of public health.

All those arrested must be released here and now. The government will keep coming up against us in the struggle for health, life, and work with rights.

