Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

Pre-Election action of the KKE

The youth will not bow its head,with the KKE attack and struggle

At a meeting of the KNE University Student Attica Organization, the GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumpas spoke on 22/6/19, addressing the members of the KNE he asked that “they reach the thousands of young people who appreciate the action of the the KKE, who supported us in the recent elections, to convince the thousands of students who did not go to the polls, believing that they are punishing the EU, this time around to vote for the Party. A vote which counts in the battle against the system and its parties is a vote in support of the KKE. The KKE, going against the current of subjugation, with the banner of confrontation, justice, overthrow, is here for every young person who will not surrender. No hesitation, no lost vote in the elections. The broad support  of the KKE strengthens the voice that declares everything will change with the massive, aggressive struggle of the people and the youth, with the aim of overthrowing the current barbaric system "

University Students Rally