Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

Press Release of the KKE MEPs

The EU mechanism shifts the burden of another war loan to the Ukrainian people

Through a war-mongering mechanism set up by the European Parliament on the basis of a G7 decision, another loan of 35 billion euros, mainly coming from assets frozen by the EU and NATO countries as part of the sanctions against capitalist Russia, has been approved for the prosperity of the Ukrainian bourgeoisie in wartime.

The imperialist war conflict being waged in Ukraine has mortgaged the lives and future of both the Ukrainian and the Russian peoples. It has condemned them to become cannon fodder for the imperialists and a cash cow for the repayment of multiple loans, i.e. loans whose interest is used to repay other loans, that the Ukrainian bourgeoisie has taken from its imperialist allies.

These are predatory Euro-Atlantic loan mechanisms for the long-term entrapment  of the Ukrainian people, accompanied by harsh anti-popular measures and supervision mechanisms to control their implementation, with an eye on the reconstruction after the catastrophic war.

The Greek bourgeoisie is also trying to benefit from this anti-popular plan and is involved in repeated shipments of ammunition, weapons and trainers in the context of the despicable of the "agreement on military cooperation" between Greece and Ukraine signed by Mitsotakis and Zelenskiy and the so-called "security guarantees". According to the information that has come to light, the Greek government aims, among other things, to ensure an enhanced role for the Greek monopolies in the reconstruction of Odessa, by exposing our people to great adventures and the risk of reprisals.

The vote against and the denunciation of this loan by the KKE MEPs is also an act of condemnation of the imperialist war and the role of the EU; an act of internationalist solidarity of the KKE with the working people of Ukraine, for the interests of the peoples of the region.



THE MEPs of the KKE