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The International Dimension of the 12th Congress of the KNE
Delegations from 30 foreign Communist and anti-imperialist Youth Organizations from all over the world participated in the proceedings of the 12th Congress of the KNE and addressed greetings to the Congress.
The delegations that took part in the Congress were the following:
1. World Federation of Democratic Youth, WFDY
2. Communist Youth of Austria, KJÖ
3. Bangladesh Youth Union, BYU
4. Young Communist League Britain, YCL Britain
5. Young Socialists of the Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
6. United Democratic Youth Organization, EDON – Cyprus
7. Communist Youth Union, KSM – Czech Republic
8. Communist Youth of the Communist Worker's Party of Finland, KNKT
9. Socialist German Workers Youth, SDAJ
10. Communist Youth of Guatemala, JCG
11. Democratic Youth Federation of India, DYFI
12. Front of Communist Youth, FGC – Italy
13. Jordanian Democratic Youth Union, UJDY
14. Youth of Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
15. Federation of Young Communists, FJC – Mexico
16. Youth Federation of Nepal, YF Nepal
17. Communist Youth of Communist Party of Pakistan (NaujawanMahaaz Pakistan), NMP
18. Youth of Palestinian People's Party
19. Portuguese Communist Youth,JCP
20. Union of Socialist Youth, UTS – Romania
21. Leninist Communist Youth Union of Russian Federation, LKSM RF
22. Young Communist League of Yugoslavia, SKOJ – Serbia
23. Progressive Youth and Students League – South Korea
24. Collectives of Young Communists, CJC – Spain
25. Communist Youth Union of Spain, UJCE
26. Socialist Students Union, SSU – Sri Lanka
27. Syrian Communist Youth Union – Khaled Bakdash Youth, SCYU-KBY
28. Communist Youth of Turkey, TKG
29. League of Young Communists USA, LYC USA
30. Communist Youth of Venezuela, JCV
The foreign delegations participated in the mass, militant internationalist event in solidarity with the people and the youth of Venezuela, on Saturday 16/2 evening that was organized by KNE under the central slogan “Solidarity to the people of Venezuela! No submission to imperialism; the only superpower are the peoples.
Finally, during the days of the 12th Congress, a meeting of the European Communist Youth Meeting Working Group was held which decided that the 15th Meeting of European Communist Youth will be hosted by the Communist Youth of Austria in Linz (Austria) on the 28-30 June, 2019.