Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

The KKE commemorates the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

On 2/2/23, the KKE commemorated the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army in the Battle of Stalingrad. In the morning, it laid a wreath at the Monument of the Soviet Soldier in Kalithea (a region of Athens). “Today the KKE commemorates the great victory at Stalingrad, against Hitler’s troops, which changed the course of the history of the Second World War with the great victory of the Red Army against fascism. The KKE calls upon our people to wage a struggle against capitalism, which gives rise to fascism,” said KKE MP Christos Katsotis.

In the afternoon of the same day, a large number of people participated in an event for the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad in Kalithea organized by the Party Organizations of the Southern Sector of Athens, thus launching a series of related commemoration events organized by the Party Organization of Attica of the KKE.

Christina Panagiotakopoulou, member of the CC of the KKE and candidate in the parliamentary elections, noted that through the commemorative events for the Battle of Stalingrad, “we honour the Soviet Union, its people, and the Red Army; we honour the Bolshevik Communist Party, which led and guided this titanic struggle. It determined not only the outcome of the battles of the Eastern Front, but the overall outcome of the Second World War, giving fresh impetus to the people’s liberation movements and the development of the armed struggle that made history in our country as well, with the KKE at the forefront ...”.

She highlighted that this epic, like many other battles, clearly confirms that “when the armed people are under the guidance of the vanguard of the working class, i.e. the Communist Party, and have faith in their cause, confidence in their strength, and iron discipline, they can and will achieve the impossible; they can win”.

