Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

The KKE demands the end of the persecutions against the Communist Party of Poland

On November 27th, a delegation of the KKE, headed by Kostas Papadakis, member of the CC and MEP of the party, held a protest at the Embassy of Poland in Athens regarding the persecutions against cadres and members of the Communist Party of Poland. In the meeting that took place, the following protest note was presented:


To the Government of Poland

To the Embassy of Poland

Dear Sirs,

The trial against the CP of Poland and its cadres is being repeated on Monday 27th November, a trial which continues for more than 2 years with the accusation of “propaganda of communist ideology” by the newspaper “Brzask” and the website of the CP of Poland. The cadres of the CP of Poland are threatened with 2 year imprisonment.

The Communist Party of Greece condemns and denounces these anticommunist measures and persecutions, every kind of banning at the expense of communists as the trials against them, the banning of communist symbols and the propagation of communist ideas. This unacceptable persecution cannot be legitimized due to the support of the reactionary European Union or due to the fact that similar persecutions are being promoted in other EU-countries.

The prohibitions, the measures that restrict the activity of the communists go hand in hand with the anti-labour measures and the assault against the rights and the achievements of the working class.  

They are part of the propaganda about “totalitarian regimes” which fosters the provocative and anti-historical equation of the fascist monstrosity, which is bred by the capitalist system, with communism.

At the same time, it is provocative to honor Nazi collaborators and their political descendants.

The history was written by the peoples. It is not possible to rewrite it.


The Communist Party of Greece:

-condemns the anti-labour, anti-people and anti-democratic actions of the Polish government.

-it demands the immediate revocation of the persecutions against the Communist Party of Poland, its members and its cadres.

 -it expresses its solidarity with the communists and the class oriented movement of Poland!

Anticommunism and the repression of the labour movement, the suppression of historical truth which was written with the blood of the peoples will not succeed! Hands off the communists!