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The KKE voted against in principle - The KKE's position on the articles

With votes from the New Democracy, SYRIZA, PASOK, Nea Aristera (New Left) and Plefsi Elefterias (Fredom Sail), but also with several abstentions and differentiations, the bill on marriage and adoption rights of same-sex couples was accepted by the Parliament by a majority.
The KKE voted against the bill in principle, pointing out that it further deepens the commercialisation of the reproductive process through commercial surrogacy abroad for same-sex couples and private inter-country adoptions. In the interventions of the KKE MPs, it was stressed that these provisions abolish the right of children to enjoy the benefits of the paternity-maternity relationship.
It should be noted that the KKE voted in favor of some articles promoting some modernisations concerning both same-sex and heterosexual couples, but in no way gave an alibi of fake progressiveness to the government as other parties did..
Specifically, the KKE voted in favor of articles 4 and 5, which concern the abolition of anachronisms in family law in relation to the surname of children and the declaration of birth. Voted in favor of Article 8, which relates to tax concessions, allowances for spouses and parents, and Article 9, which relates to the abolition of discrimination in employment, education, health care, etc. Declared “present” on Article 7 on issues of protection against dismissal. The KKE voted against the other articles.
During the debate, the parties supporting the bill appeared to agree on the reactionary essence of the bill and the pretexts they used to mask it, such as 'human rights', the fight against 'discrimination' and 'equality' of citizens. But behind the ostensibly progressive wrapping that they jointly formed, the provisions of the bill give a new impetus to the extreme commercialisation of childbearing and procreation, through commercial surrogacy, private and inter-country adoptions. The KKE MPs focused on these aspects, putting children's rights at the centre and denouncing the hypocrisy with which the government invokes them.
In total, 254 MPs took part in the vote. In principle, 176 voted 'yes' to the bill, 76 'no' and 2 declared'present'. From the New Democracy, 107 MPs voted in favor, 20 against, while 31 abstained. From PASOK, 21 MPs voted in favor and 11 abstained. Pavlos Polakis of SYRIZA abstained. From the New Left, the two MPs from the Muslim minority, Zeybek Hussein and Ferhat Ozgur, abstained.