The KKE's position on the nature of the war in Ukraine is confirmed once again

During the debate in the Parliament on 5 March, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, General Secretary of the CC of the KKE, referred, among other things, to international developments and the war fronts, noting the following:

“One of the things you told the people to justify our country’s involvement in the war in Ukraine in the role of a NATO stooge was that we are supposedly on the 'right side of history'. Among other things, this involvement has hit the pockets of our people, especially due to high energy bills.

For two years now, you have been rehashing the same old stories about the so-called ‘battle of democracy against totalitarianism’ that you are supposedly waging, about 'international law' and 'territorial integrity' that is supposedly the apple of NATO’s eye, about your ‘principled stance’ regarding the country’s incontestable involvement in Euro-Atlantic plans.

What is left of this now? Even you dare not admit it. A vulgar bargaining to which of the USA, Russia, Germany, Britain, France and the rest of their lackeys within the EU will have the first say in the division of the spoils in Ukraine, both its natural wealth and the general status quo that will be formed after a possible imperialist peace agreement, which will be fragile, in preparation for the new round of imperialist war.

The negotiations that are in full swing, as well as the events that we are witnessing these days, even broadcast live from the Oval Office of the White House, reaffirm what the KKE has been saying from the very first moment, i.e. that this war is an imperialist war, a war of thieves. You are just a pawn in one of these warring camps. Maybe the situation may seem a little perplexing now with Trump, but the bottom line doesn’t change. Because these are your values.

What's left of the big talk about ‘powerful allies’ that strengthen the country’s position and guarantee the protection of its sovereign rights with the infamous defence agreements? (...) Now that the mask is slipping, you pretend to be surprised about the cynical and cruel haggling in international relations, about the ‘lost honour’ of the West and its ‘values’.

Together you all parrot phrases like the 'need for the EU’s geopolitical coming of age’. As if the EU, which has so far poured €140 billion from its citizens’ pockets into the massacre in Ukraine, was some kind of little child and you decided to force it grow up.

You are about to spend more billions that will be taken away from education, health, infrastructure, incomes, investment in security systems and pensions on NATO war armaments, on what you call the ‘common defence of the EU’, on the transition to a war economy, which may even include sending troops to Ukraine as part of guarantees.”

The GS of the CC of the KKE condemned the New Democracy government, which, with the support of the other Euro-Atlantic parties, has dragged the Greek people and the country into the imperialist war.

