Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

The dock workers emerged victorious, they point the way of organized struggle!

COSCO workers in Piraeus port welcomed the news that the company accepted most of their demands.

The executive board of the Workers’ Union, at around 22.30 of the 4th of November, informed the workers who were on shift at that time as well as those who were finishing their shift about the first victories achieved by their struggle. For their part, the workers responded with a prolonged applause.

As stated by Markos Bekris, the president of the ENEDEP trade union (Container Handling Workers’ Trade Union at the Piers of Piraeus) “With our organized struggle, the 7-day strike, and the solidarity expressed by the entire working class, we forced the company to accept most of our demands. Now we have gained experience, we have a strong trade union and we know how to wage the struggle”.



