Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:


The political forces that have the dubious distinction of implementing anti-popular policies are pushing towards the far-right parties

The Press Office of the CC of the KKE issued the following statement on the elections in France:

“The political forces, such as the social-democratic and the liberal ones, which for years have had the dubious distinction of implementing anti-popular policies to the detriment of the French people and supporting the EU and NATO strategy, not only cannot be a counterweight to right-wing repulsive candidates like Le Pen, but in fact, through their policies, which they call “democratic” and “progressive”, they are pushing the discontented workers’–people’s forces towards such parties, which take on a pro-people mantle. In fact, they are proposing the same path that has led to the strengthening of the far right in France and elsewhere.

The answer to both the far-right and the new false dilemmas between “reaction” and “progress” can only be given by a rising workers’–people’s movement, by the class struggle itself, which will target the causes that give rise to these reactionary political currents, to the EU, to imperialist competition and wars.”

