Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

Workers’ May Day in Greece

Workers’ May Day was honoured with huge strike rallies and demonstrations in all the large cities of Greece.

The Executive Secretariat of the All Workers Militant Front (PAME) saluted the thousands of workers in every city of the country, the unemployed, the youth, the women, the pensioners, the poor farmers, the self-employed, and the scientists who with their presence honoured the heroic struggles of the workers’ movement, marching together with their union blocs, with the slogan “Against exploitation and imperialist war, for the final victory of the peoples!”


In Athens the strike rally took place outside of the Parliament building followed by a march to the American Embassy

The GS of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumpas who was present at the strike rally of PAME in Syntagma, Athens, made the following statement:

“The message of this year’s Workers’ May Day is the need to strengthen the struggle, the workers’-popular struggle and to organize everywhere,  to unite, to abolish all the anti-worker laws that were imposed by the Memorandums, to take back all the economic losses that the working people suffered through the years of the crisis, with increases in salaries and pensions, with the reinstatement of Collective Bargaining Agreements, with the abolition of tax-robbery, while at the same time to strengthen the struggle against imperialist war, against the military bases of death, to end the bloodshed of the working people, of our people and the continual military appropriations for the needs of NATO and ultimately, for disengagement from all the predatory alliances.

The KKE, the workers’ class movement will be everywhere, every day in the vanguard of the struggles. Happy Workers’ May Day! Strength to all!


Mayday [Athens]

Mayday [Thessaloniki]

May day [Peiraeus]

Mayday [Ioannina]


