Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

“Left” rulers put communists in handcuffs



The very moment the SYRIZA – ANEL government seeks to persuade the people that a “new era” is beginning, following the formal termination of the memorandum with creditors, it seems to be disturbed by the voice of the KKE that reveals the truth. It is not at all surprising therefore that it resorts to repressive measures at the expense of the communists.

In a Statement the Press Office of the CC of the KKE denounces the new instance of authoritarianism which as it notes “is part of the ongoing effort to terrorize the people”, this time at the expense of 4 KKE leaders in Larissa who on the night of September 2nd 2018 were putting up posters propagandizing for the Festival of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) that is dedicated this year to the 100-year anniversary of the KKE and the 50-year anniversary of the KNE.

As the Press Office of the CC of the KKE states “The leaders of the KKE, as if they were common criminals, were arrested by a large immediate action squad, DIAS and security forces. They were held in detention all night, prosecuted in the morning wearing handcuffs, escorted by a large armed security force, and brought to trial on the incredible charge of “aggravated criminal damage to public property”!

The leadership of the Ministry of Citizen Protection is accountable will have to answer for the new instance of authoritarianism at the expense of the KKE. In any case, KKE and KNE members will provide their own answer with their everyday action for the success of the KKE and KNE festival.”

The communists who were arrested were released at midday of September 3rd however they face charges of aggravated criminal damage and will stand trial on 5 June, 2019.

It should be noted that both Sunday evening (2/9), outside of the police station, as well as on Monday (3/9), outside of the court, members of the KKE and the KNE held mobilizations with the central slogan  “Terrorism will not pass; the people's struggle will smash it!”

At the mobilization denouncing the governments actions, in solidarity with the communists under arrest, KKE parliament member and Vice-president of the Greek parliament, G. Lambroulis, took part along with T. Tsiaples, president of the Labor Center of Larissa, the union that unites the labor unions of the city.



