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Solidarity with the KKE

To the Central Committee

Communist Party of Greece


19 January 2015


Dear Comrades,


The Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB) sends its best wishes to the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) for the forthcoming general elections.

The Greek working class and entire people have suffered for far too long and far too much from the conditions of severe capitalist crisis and from the austerity measures imposed by the European Union and the Greek bourgeoisie.

In the resistance against these harsh policies and their dire consequences, and in the struggle for a fundamental rupture with them and for a totally different society, based on the working class and people's power, the KKE has always been at the forefront. We hope that this principled stance will lead to further succes, in the class struggle as in the electoral arena.


With our comradely greetings,


The Department of International Relations of the PTB