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The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

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Escalation of strikes - National general strike on 20 November

Oct 24, 2024

Escalation of strikes - National general strike on 20 November
On Wednesday 23 October, thousands of strikers from the sectors ...
The EU mechanism shifts the burden of another war loan to the Ukrainian people

Oct 23, 2024

The EU mechanism shifts the burden of another war loan to the Ukrainian people
Through a war-mongering mechanism set up by the European ...
Solidarity with Cuba for the problems caused by the imperialist blockade and the passage of Hurricane Oscar

Oct 23, 2024

Solidarity with Cuba for the problems caused by the imperialist blockade and the passage of Hurricane Oscar
The Communist Party of Greece expresses its solidarity with the ...
Opposition and disobedience to the EU’s brutal institutional framework for refugees and migrants

Oct 21, 2024

Opposition and disobedience to the EU’s brutal institutional framework for refugees and migrants
On Sunday 20 October, the European Communist Action held a ...
They blocked the loading of a container full of bullets bound for Israel

Oct 18, 2024

They blocked the loading of a container full of bullets bound for Israel
On Thursday 17 October, COSCO dockers at the Port of Piraeus ...

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On the Cyprus Issue

Positions and materials of the KKE on the developments around the Cyprus Issue


International activity of KKE in 2018

Message from the KKE on the 60 years of the Cuban Revolution

Dec 28, 2018

Message from the KKE on the 60 years of the Cuban Revolution
CP Cuba Central Committee Havana Dear Comrades, The KKE sends you its warm comradely greetings on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution January 1st 1959. ...
Dynamic protest outside the Polish Embassy against anti-communist persecution

Dec 4, 2018

Dynamic protest outside the Polish Embassy against anti-communist persecution
A protest rally with the slogan “Hands Off the Polish Communists. Hands off the Communist – Anti-Fascist Monuments. All anti-communist persecution to cease immediately.” was organized by the KKE and the KNE on Monday morning, December 3rd, outside the Polish Embassy in Athens. ...

Nov 23, 2018

We welcome you to the 20th International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties, here in Athens, the city where the International Meetings first began 20 years ago at the initiative of our Party. We are here today before you, having completed a century of life and action. ...

Oct 15, 2018

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) strongly denounces the statements made by I. Mosiychuk, Member of the Parliament of Ukraine of the “Radical” Party, via which he is calling upon “patriots” to murder Petro Symonenko, 1st Secretary of the CC of the CP of Ukraine. ...
Party documents, relevant to the theme of the 20th IMCWP

Oct 11, 2018

The 20th Congress of the KKE, on the basis of the programmatic documents as well as the experience from the activity of the party in the previous period, defined the tasks of the party in relation with the work for the regroupment of the labour movement. ...

Oct 11, 2018

Dear comrades, with this brief informative note we intent to inform you on the developmetns in our country and the activities of the KKE that this year will host the 20th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties. ...
Written contribution of the KKE to the 20th IMCWP

Oct 11, 2018

The attention of the Communist and Worker’s Parties in their 20th International Meeting is focused on the contemporary working class. ...
Youth of Europe rise up - Join us in the struggle for our contemporary needs in education, work and in life!

Oct 4, 2018

Youth of Europe rise up - Join us in the struggle for our contemporary needs in education, work and in life!
Young men and women, We, 21 Communist Youth Organizations that participated in the 14th Meeting of European Communist Youth Organisations in Athens, on the 23rd and 24th September of 2018, address you in an appeal to struggle for contemporary needs in education, work and life. ...
Joint statement for the reinforcement of the struggle of the communist movement and its revolutionary regroupment

Sep 3, 2018

Joint statement for the reinforcement of the struggle of the communist movement and its revolutionary regroupment
The developments at an international level and in the two countries, the situation in the communist movement were examined and in the meetings of the Communist Party of Mexico with the Communist Party of Greece during the proceedings of the 6th Congress of the former in Mexico City, 3-5 August ...
End now the murderous attacks against the Indian Communists!

Jul 19, 2018

End now the murderous attacks against the Indian Communists!
The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) strongly condemns the murderous attacks at the expense of the communists, friends and supporters of the Communist Parties, as well as the vandalizing and take-overs of offices of the CPs, of mass organizations of the people’s movement in the states of West ...